Monday, May 19, 2014

Windy Monday

I'm so glad that my jury duty is over and that it is back to "normal" around here.  Well, as normal as it ever gets for us!
There have been a few news reports about a specific trial that was starting the jury picking process today, it's not one I would ever have wanted to be considered for.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would be the absolute last person on earth the defendant would want on a jury.  It was a pretty horrific crime and I'm just really glad that I'm done.
I edited my last post, but Otter's late night shift wasn't actually that late.  She texted me about 8:00 or so, to let us know that she might be getting off around or before midnight.  Then about 10:00, she called to let me know that she was heading home - she was supposed to call and let me know when she headed home, no matter what time it was.  We were still up anyway.  The store was not too busy yesterday, so the supervisor had the employees that were there in the afternoon get started on some of the inventory.  As a result, when the 6:00 p.m. crew got there, quite a bit of the work had already been done.  Otter was well caffeinated, she had a couple of Cokes (in non-Texan language, she had Mountain Dew), because she was anticipating several hours which would end late at night or possibly early this morning.  The result is that she got home just after 10:00, and she was still pretty wound up.  We went to bed about 11:15, I have no idea what time she finally wound down and went to bed but she thinks she was up for at least a couple of hours after we went to bed.  She did ask me again to let her sleep in this morning and not wake her up - she usually tells me if she wants me to make her up before I leave for work.  She called me about 10:30 this morning when she woke up.
Today is one year since the tornadic outbreak that devastated the middle part of Oklahoma.  The first horrific storms went through the Shawnee area, today marks the one year date.  Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Moore monster.  It was a bad time for so many people.  This spring has been calmer so far, although there have been a few twisters.  I hope & pray that there are no more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad jury duty is over and that you did not get on that jury. Froggy