Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Just a Few Thoughs on a MondayTuesday

I don't like MondayTuesday's.  I like Monday days off, I just don't like Monday being squished into Tuesday at work!  But at least tomorrow is Wednesday and that means that the work week is halfway over.
We have had a lot of rain the last couple of days.  A LOT.  1 1/2" just yesterday afternoon, and it has rained more since then.  Our rain gutters overflowed not too long after the deluge opened.  Bill thinks that it's a combination of them being clogged by the maple tree helicopters (seeds) and the fact that both rain barrels are now full to the point of overflow.  Well, we try to get the water level down in the rain barrels, but each time we start to get them down enough to not overflow it rains again.
We do need the rain, so I'm not really complaining.
We thought the deep freeze might be going out yesterday.  Bill went out into the garage to get something or other he was soaking to remove rust and there was a little water running out from under the freezer.  He checked inside and there was a little ice melt.  It felt hot on the outside, as if the compressor had been running too long.  We brought everything in from the deep freeze and put it in the freezer (refrigerator top) - which barely fit, talk about crammed full!  Bill thought that maybe he hadn't shut the deep freeze completely when he got the buffalo patties out for me yesterday morning.  We shut the deep freeze and left it alone until this morning.  It had quit melting and there was no more water running anywhere, what little was still in there (ice trays, mostly) was frozen and the outside felt normal.  So we ferried everything back out and I rearranged the fridge/freezer again.
I went by the booth this afternoon.  Nothing else has sold as far as I can tell, but the person sharing part of it has moved more of his stuff out and it looks less cramped.  He'll be out on/by Saturday and we'll head back up there on Sunday to rearrange.  We had discussed switching to a slightly larger and deeper booth, but I think we're going to hold off on that.  At least for now.
After the booth, I fought traffic caused by rain to Wallyworld.  It was apparently "take your screaming children to Walmart" day.  Walmart was out of eggs.  As in nonenonenone.  Except for a few, "organic" eggs that were about $4.00+/dozen.  Needless to say, I did not buy eggs at Wallyworld today!  I didn't really need them yet, it's just that eggs are like milk:  buy them whenever I'm at the store because we tend to run out of them on a fairly fast basis.  Which seems odd to me, because Saturday morning is about the only time we actually eat them.  Milk runs out fast because we drink a lot of it, so that I can understand.
While I was buying groceries, Otter called to let me know of an accident between there and home that was causing quite a big traffic tie up.  This one was probably due to the weather and possibly driver inattention and maybe speeding.  Something about Tulsa rain causes drivers to lose their minds.  We don't live in Tulsa, but we used to.  And it was always the same thing.  The accident today is in a kind of an iffy spot.  Looked like both cars involved had hit trees and one of them was halfway in the ditch/creek.
The doggies go to the vet on Thursday.  Mags gets a buttsquash, and they both get shots.  Frasier needs the distemper and maybe parvo shots, Maggie gets those and also her rabies shot.  We're also getting her claws trimmed, it's worth paying the vet to do it.  Although I'm not sure that Maggie Moo agrees!
Otter and one of her friends looked at a duplex for rent yesterday.  It was 2-bedroom, and their may be three counting Otter.  It's still workable, but I think they are going to keep looking and will probably wind up in an apartment.  I don't think it will be right away, but they are working towards it.
My eventual guest room/craft/yarn room is still going to be a Pachinko Free Zone!  No matter what Bill thinks, he is NOT going to talk me into changing my mind on that.  My two machines might be put in there on the wall as playable décor, but none of his restoration work will be allowed!!  The Borg Queen has spoken.


Anonymous said...

When my deep freezer had a little water in it we discovered that the drain line was plugged. You might want to check that out.
So sorry for Maggie, I know that she hates the vet trips.

Otter Mom said...

I'll keep an eye on it, but it wasn't very much water and it did look like the door had been left open just a bit.