Thursday, May 29, 2014

Puppy Tales and Other Stuff

The dogs have been wrangled and we're now covered in dog fur.  Thanks, Frasier!
Anyway, they are very healthy and the vet was pretty impressed with Frasier.  He doesn't think that the cataracts will get worse, or at least not much worse.  Given the dog's age, he is in pretty good shape.  The vet found no evidence of any hip dysplasia or joint issues like shepards get sometimes, no sign of arthritis or any severe issues with his ears this time.  Maggie Moo did really good, she usually does fine until she realizes where she is and the turns into a brick.  Bricks just lie there and don't walk on their own, they have to be dragged or sometimes picked up and carried.  That's her usual trick at the vet's, but not today.  She was happy to get there, happy to go inside, happy to get weighed (29 pounds) and happy to go into the exam room.  She was happy to go with the vet tech to get her butt squished and nails clipped, she was happy to come back to us.  She was glad to see the vet when he came in and happy while he examined her.  She was a little droopy when she got her shot, but she was really not all that upset.  Frasier (71 pounds) was happy but he wasn't too thrilled with the exam.  But he tolerated it, the vet was pretty thorough checking all Frasier's joints and his spine.  The vet was fine with getting the tranquilizers refilled, I gave Frasier one last night and he slept all night - no early waking and barking.  I will probably give him one tonight and then maybe tomorrow night.
Both doggies were happy to get home, and they both immediately took a nap.  Maggie likes to sit underneath the coffee table, she just hangs out there and seems to enjoy it.  She is a weird little doggie, that's for sure.
We watched the rest of the History Channel mini-series on the World Wars.  It was pretty good, although the final episode was rushed.  There were so many things that they had to leave out, otherwise it would be months long.  But some of the things that they left out should have been included.  There were also things that I think should have been expanded.  I'm not sure if anything should have been left out.  It was very good "in general" but even as good as it was, I think it could have been better.
We've decided to change the booth.  We had been discussing giving our 30 days notice on Sunday (June 1st) but after we talked about it, Bill wants to keep the original booth but I don't really think I want to continue with my part.  Otter said she doesn't care either way, most of her sales were in the first month and she hasn't had anything sell for a while.  I've had a few things sell this month, but I don't think that a lot of things have sold and I'm pretty well out of things to clean out.  Also, the next logical step would be to start buying things to resell but we've "been there, done that" before and really don't want to get into that again.  It worked for eBay, when eBay was first starting and we rode that train as long as it lasted.  But that train has left the station and I think it derailed!  So, we're going to go back to the original size and Bill's going to leave the pachinko machines in it.  If I (or Otter) have something later that we want to sell, we'll put it in the booth but I think I'm pretty well "sold out" now.  I called the owner and asked him if we would have to do the 30 days notice on the half we are relinquishing, but he said we don't.  He also said we can wait until Sunday, which is actually the first, instead of getting all the stuff out of the 2nd half on Saturday.  Which was nice of him, maybe we'll have some major sales on Saturday - well, it would be nice anyway.  Bill has only sold a couple of pachinko machines, but one of them was one of the higher cost machines so the sales still outweigh the booth cost.  But Bill also thinks that it's fairly cheap as far as advertising and getting the machines into people's vision, so he'll probably keep the booth for a while even if he doesn't sell a machine any time soon.
However, I'm still going to shop there!

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