Sunday, June 01, 2014

I Finally Found It!

I've been looking for this one for years, no exaggeration, years.  Many of them!

Otter and I went to the flea market yesterday, and the man with the movie booth was there.  He usually is, and he usually has a lot of hard-to-find movies, especially the vintage ones and lots of the "B" 50's sci-fi movies we love.  I had just about given up on ever finding "Them" but he had it!  It was part of a set of two 50's sci-fi movies and it was marked $10.00 but he had a special and it was actually $5.00.  I bought several other movies and he told me to pick out another one for free, but I would have paid the original $10.00 price for this one.  Actually, I would have paid a lot more.  "Them" was one of the early cautionary tales about the danger of nuclear testing, and it was a serious movie at the time.  I now have my Top 4 (War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Thing and Them) and several others, but I'm still on the hunt for a few.  But at least I now have this one!  Otter bought a bunch of movies as well and she also got a freebie.  We don't go to the flea market very often, but we usually find several movies for our collection at this particular booth.
We went to the booth today and closed up the 2nd booth addition.  Now, we're back to the original size and at the moment it is just pachinko machines.  I might occasionally put something in it, but for now I think I'm glad to be done with my part of it.  As an experiment, it has been a success.  I had more sales than I thought I di in May.  But the stuff that was still there has been there for a while, and several items are from when we first started the booth.  I've dropped prices on things occasionally, and sometimes sold them.  But the stuff that was still there hadn't sold and I don't think it would have, some of it has already been taken to Goodwill but some of it has been put back where it was.  Such as the 3 or 4 Fenton pieces that didn't sell, and a few other misc. things.  Bill cleared out quite a bit of the Useless Collection (shot glasses), he's still got quite a few though.  Otter sold some of her creations, so everybody got something out of it.
It's been really humid the last couple of days.  Yesterday while Otter and I were at the flea market (it's indoors) it rained just enough to make it humid.  We were fine in a nice, air conditioned car.  But when we got out of the car, my lungs more or less shut down just on the trip from the car door to the front door.  Today was just as bad, and I've tried to stay inside as much as I can.  Which is hard!
I've been having issues with my jaw again.  I have TMJ Disorder but it hasn't really bothered me for years.  It's probably been about 25 years since I had to have it treated, at the time there were two main treatments:  a retainer that graduated in size to hold the jaw in place, which is what I did.  Or surgery, which turned out to have a very bad rate of failure and quite often causing severe and lasting consequences.  I've been having an occasional pain in the general area of the left side of my jaw and finally today it started to really hurt.  Since I have dentures, my jaw has a little more movement than is best at night but I left the top denture in Friday night and it was much better.  But I didn't leave it in last night and I should have.  It's really bothered me a few times today.  I'm going to sleep with the top denture in for the next couple of days.  You really aren't supposed to leave dentures in all night, the main concern is bacteria getting trapped but that really is more on a long-term basis.  I can use heat if I need to, I've been taking motrin and trying to remember all the tricks to keep my jaw in place that I used to have to use.  It is actually better this evening, I just have to be very careful the next few days.  Mom had issues with it although I don't think hers was very severe.  Otter has had her jaw pop a couple of times, but the dentist doesn't think she'll have bad problems with it like I did/do.  It ain't fun!
Frasier was a little barky this morning, but it was nearly 5:30 and nobody had let him out yet.  Maggie Moo has a new trick:  she howled in her sleep yesterday afternoon.  She sounded so funny.  They are very spoiled babies!

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