Monday, June 30, 2014

Pachinko Room Progress Report, Day One

Actually, we had already started some of the project before today but today was the first day we really had time to get a lot done.  I moved my desk out from where it was at to a temporary spot in the office room, vacuumed several places and got a lot of Bill's stuff on the shelves in the closet.  When Bill got home after work today, we moved his desk to where mine was originally, then I moved my desk from the temporary spot to where his had been.  Bill moved the 2-drawer wooden filing cabinet we have in there.  We moved the plastic milk crate cabinet, I vacuumed and dusted, we rearranged quite a bit of stuff, cleaned out some stuff to donate and Bill also moved the wireless modem box which is now attached to the wall.  There is still some work to be done in there, but mainly it's things like the several weeks worth of filing I have to do and some work on the shelves.  But mostly we are done with the big stuff, Bill's about 3/4 of the way through with a restoration project and he's going to finish it before he moves the actual machines, tools, parts and 2 plastic drawer units back there.  He's at a point where the restoration project can't really be moved - too many parts that can be lost, and it's a commissioned job (not his machine in other words) so it's not worth taking a chance.  But the light is at the end of the tunnel and it's very bright!
Otter had to be in at 5:30 this morning, Monday is Truck Day and she's part of inventory control now.  She also out-worked most of the male truck crew; 2 of them basically did everything they could NOT to do their actual jobs - which she'll probably mention to someone.  She was supposed to get off at 1:30, but about 12:45 her boss told her to go home and get some rest because she was obviously tired and he knew how hard she'd been working.
I got up with Otter at 4:30, Bill got up at 5:00 and she left about 5:15.  He left at 6:00.  And about 10 minute after that, I went back to bed!  Actually, I went to the couch and not actually to bed, but I got about another hour and a half of sleep - after I had a visit from a very large, furry dog who was overjoyed that "mama" was there.  Frasier eventually decided it was ok to lie down and then Maggie Moo discovered my presence on the couch.  So it was probably closer to 6:30 when I fell asleep, after I'd decided that I might not be going back to sleep because of the poochsters.  When I woke up, they were both snoozing right beside the couch.
Along with the work in the office/pachinko room today, I also did some housecleaning.  The kitchen floor gets regular sweeping, but Fraiser is fluffy and he sheds so much in the spring and summer.  He's had a couple of brushings, I tackled him either yesterday or Saturday afternoon and brushed the bejeebers out of him.  Filled up a plastic grocery store bag with fluff from him and there is still more!  He looks very sleek now, he loves the brushing out but he still had a lot that he was shedding and it seems to all collect on the kitchen floor for some reason.  I did a few loads of laundry and vacuumed the house in general.  I also watered Otter's crop of jalepenos, mint and rosemary out on the back deck and then I refilled my watering can from the rain barrel because I'm eventually going to transplant the wandering jew.  I bought a larger plastic pot for it, but I'm not really sure if it's going to be big enough.
After Otter got home, she took a shower and relaxed for a little while.  Then we went to Wallyworld.  I bought Bill a new pair of pj bottoms, he seems to go through them at a fast rate for some reason.  We picked out Captain America pj's for him this time!  It's just the emblem on one leg and the words Captain America, but he thought it was funny which is what we were going for.
Before we went to Wallyworld, in fact when Otter got home, we had to take care of a wasp nest at the front door.  Literally right beside the doorbell.  Normally, we wait until dusk when they are all heading for home but we couldn't wait this time.  Otter was almost not able to get in the door, they seemed to view her as a threat just by her presence.  She got in, quickly, and then she brought me the spray.  I got one of them, the other one just barely managed to get away from the spray stream.  He got splashed with it, and he was flying wonky but he did fly away.  I made sure the first one was actually dead, then I got my rain-filled watering can and washed the dead one and the spray overshoot from the porch.  And that's when the first little beastie came back!  And tried to get me as I was going back in the door.  Otter brought me the spray again, and this time I got him.  With a lot of spray, I was taking no chances with this one - he was obviously aggressive and mad.  So, I rinsed the porch off again, along with the doorbell and a small plaque we have above the doorbell since I sprayed a lot and all over the place to be sure I got the 2nd one.  When we were leaving to go to Wallyworld, there was another one out there but we think he was a scout from elsewhere because he was gone when we got home and he didn't show up again as far as we can tell.  I'm calling them wasps, but they might well have actually been small hornets - small being a relative term!  Wasps are somewhat aggressive, but not like these two were.  We will watch for any returning but we think that the two were probably the only ones starting this particular nest. 
Otter did some sewing this afternoon, she's been working on her cosplay clothing for TNT.  It's fairly detailed this time.  She needs several different colors of felt for some of the decoration, we will probably hit a craft store in the next few days and it may well be Hobby Lobby.
We're so thrilled with the SCOTUS and decision they made today.  The issue is not about birth control, it is about the government not having the right to tell a PRIVATE, FAMILY OWNED business how it can or cannot operate.  The government simply does not have that right.
OK, cake time!  Otter made a lemon cake yesterday (or maybe Saturday) and I think I need to go keep it from getting lonely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you got a lot done in the new pachinko room. How was the cake?