Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day! There's Other Stuff Here, Too.

My Mother's Day started out with waking up to Bill, standing beside the bed with a cup of coffee in his hand for me.  I made him go get some for himself and bring it back to the bedroom.  It was a nice, quiet time.
We went to Church, we actually were late and got there just after services had started but at least we made it!  And the sermon was pretty much the same one last Mother's Day, which I discovered because I mark sermons in my Bible just about every Sunday.  We are noticing that more and more lately, that Pastor Dave is re-running things.
After we got home from Church, we finally decided where to eat today.  We went to Cici's pizza, how's that for gourmet?!  It was still good, and I didn't have to cook OR clean up!  We went to the movies, we finally got to see Captain America 2.  It was pretty good, Otter saw it a few weeks back with J and it was driving her nuts not to be able to tell me about it.  More than once, I had to tell her to sit still during the movie and not tell me about what was fixin to happen!  But it was fun.  Stan Lee's cameo was really funny.  Nobody had room for popcorn, we were kind of stuffed from the pizza.
We went by the booth and neatened up between lunch and the movie.  The glass lamp that I thought was sold was apparently just moved to another booth, because it was back today.  My bookends have been gone the last couple of times I've been there, so they are probably sold and I think most of my jewelry has also been sold.  There was a framed poster in our booth that was actually from the booth next to ours.  I moved it back to where it belonged, it might just have been put there by someone who was looking at it and sat it back down.  One of Bill's friends has been sharing part of the booth with us for things that are too large for his own booth (he pays us back a proportionate amount) but he's ending his booth rental the end of this month.  At that point, the part of the booth that is Otter's and mine will expand a little and we'll move to the side where Bill's friend's stuff is.  We'll still keep the booth for a while.  I brought back my crochet hooks that haven't sold, I was attempting to "thin the herd" a bit but I still have several hooks!
Jury Duty tomorrow, I really hope that I don't get picked for a jury.  But I'll do what I'm supposed to, if I do get chosen.  I cleaned out my purse today, I'm pretty sure that my handy-always on hand pocket knife would not be allowed!  I also took out several misc. things I usually carry but don't want to deal with tomorrow.  I have a couple of books and scratch paper (I always have scratch paper), so I might take a small tote bag as well as my (big, green) purse.  It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow and it might be "cold" in the morning, so I'm also taking my crocheted sweater.  Seems like it was pretty cold in the jury room the last time I was stuck in there.
I got my coleus plants transplanted today.  They are in the fountain-turned-planter in the rock garden and there are a lot of them.  I think I put twelve small ones in there, but it still looks kind of spread out.  I think that will change as they grow.  Also, my clematis looks like it's been eaten.  Nearly all the way to the ground.  I'm thinking bunnies?  Sweetie has had hers become bunny dinner before, but they have come back so I'm hopeful that mine might yet survive.
I was going to work on the quilt yesterday, but I decided to crochet instead.  Froggy, I'm nearly finished with the two items for you and I think I might have come up with a third one to make for you.  Also, I finally picked a cowl pattern for my mink yarn and started it yesterday.  It's probably not something I'm going to wear a whole lot, considering that it is $99 worth of yarn!
The beagle just sat on my right foot.  She was probably aiming for both, but she missed!  She's got such a delicate little bottom...   There is a reason Otter says Maggie has a bowling ball butt!  It feels like a 15-pounder just landed on my foot.  Actually, I think she was really aiming for my house shoes which were sitting beside my feet - they are very soft and she seems to have a fascination with them.  She seems to consider anything on the floor as fair game to sit on.  Frasier is parked in front of the coffee table, he's been snoozing for at least an hour and he shows no sign of waking up any time soon.  Yes, he is breathing!  I did check, after he hadn't moved at all for a while.  He's a sleepy boy, I guess.  Snoozing in the sun in their yard must be so exhausting, since that's what he was doing when he was out earlier.  Silly puppies.

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