Thursday, May 22, 2014

Guess I'd Better...

Post something here.  It's been a few days.  Froggy will get on me if I don't - of course, she may get on me anyway!
Today is a migraine day.  I think this is the third one of the year, I average 3 or 4 per year normally.  It started about 12:45, the flashing lights were short but that sometimes means that the headache will make up for it in either intensity or duration.  It's tolerable at the moment, but it's still there.  So, I'm thinking duration instead of intensity - given the choice, I think I'd rather have intensity and get it over with fast.  Maybe!
I have been mega-caffeinated, I took a migraine pill which contains aspirin, Tylenol and lots of caffeine.  I also had a diet coke for the caffeine in it.  But caffeine is a big help when it comes to migraines.  It helps all headaches, but it's recommended for migraines.  The upshot is that I've been unable to sit still for hours!  I came home at about 1:15, when the flashers were gone and the pain was starting.  I managed to stay on the couch with the lights off, but only because I discovered that yes - I can crochet with a migraine!  It was either that or yank all my hair out because I could NOT be still.  Thanks to the caffeine!
J (Otter's boyfriend) went a sci-fi convention in Dallas last weekend.  He's not a huge ST fan (she's working on that and getting results), but he still stood in a long line (and the cost for this one was probably not cheap) and got her an autograph he knew she'd love:


She's going to frame it.
J earned a MASSIVE amount of brownie points with this one, by the way.  :)

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