Monday, May 18, 2015

Never Ending Adventures of an Allergy Mom

I'm apparently still an Allergy Mom.

In this case, it's the beagle!!

The beagle had a bath last night, which was not her most favorite activity of the weekend.  But she kind of smelled and it had been a while, so a dunking in the tub was in order.  She has been scratching a lot.  A LOT.  There was one possible flea in the bath water, but mostly it was just dirt.  So, I don't think fleas are the problem.  No sign of ticks. She does have a few skin tags - dogs get them just like people do.  When she had the bladder infection, she was scratching at her belly in specific spots in what was probably an effort to get to the places that were painful.  But now, she's just scratching.  And scratching.  And scratching.  And scratching some more!

The vet's office called me today, to check up on her since she had the bladder infection.  I asked about the scratching, because I'm pretty sure it's allergies.  We know Maggie Moo has some, her eyes water in the spring and sometimes she gets a little itchy after being outside in the grass.  Now that we are walking more often, usually twice a day, she seems to be itchier.  The vet said I can give her claritan or zyrtech.  They told me which variety to give her and the dosage, I decided to go with zyrtech.  I may not be spelling it right.  Anyway, I went to wallyworld and had to ask the pharmacist if it was otc or behind the counter.  It's otc, she told me which aisle and then I still had to call the vet to be sure I got the right one.  I'm going to start her on it tonight.  I can give her a full pill, but I'm going to start with half.  When we used to have Misty, the really special dog I had when we moved to our current house 11 years ago, Misty would pull out all the hair she could reach in the spring because she was lab/chow and they both have very dense coats.  We used to give her benadryl.  It helped, she still yanked the fur out but not as bad - and she didn't look like she was horribly sick, either.

This is Misty, we referred to her as our little old lady.  She was an actual, 100 % real rescue, I literally took her off the street and never regretted it.  Her tongue was sticking out in this picture, the dark coloration is because she had a lot of chow in her ancestry.

We'll see how the allergy med goes with the Magginator.  Last night, the dog was coughing a little and I found myself telling her to calm down, relax and just breathe.  Exactly like I used to do with Otter when she was little and having an asthma flare!

Once a Mom, always a Mom!

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