Monday, May 04, 2015

Updates? I Don't Know What to Call This Post.

So far, May looks to be following in April's trail in more than just the calendar!

Otter's hand is doing well, all things considered.  I took her some ice cream after work today - it's the accepted treat after a shot and she technically got more than one in her hand yesterday.  So, I think it counts!  I took her (and Roomie!) a carton of cookies & cream ice cream and I also grabbed a package of frozen french fries for them while I was in the store.  They were both overjoyed to get the treats, and Otter was also happy to discover the package of pepperoni slices that were in the bag, too.  She said her hand hurts quite a bit, which is to be expected at this point.  She's also got a fairly high pain threshhold, which is also part of the RedHead Curse so "quite a bit" for her is agony for a non-Red.  She's been trying to keep it propped up and not use it, but that is harder than it sounds.  She has been taking tylenol and following the care instructions they gave her yesterday at the walk-in clinic.  She had to day off from work as a regularly scheduled day off and also tomorrow.  She works Wednesday morning and will go get the stitches checked when she gets off work.  Then they will tell her how long she should have to keep the stitches in.  I'm really glad that they want to remove them in the office instead of telling her she can do it herself!  Like I said before, she's her Father's Daughter...

One more to beam up, Scotty!

We lost another one today.  Grace Lee Whitney, 1930 - 2015.  She will always be remembered fondly as Yeoman Janice Rand, first season & first 8 episodes of the brilliance that is Star Trek.

There are only 4 bridge crew members left now.  And a lot of the "background" actors are gone as well.  Plus quite a few of the writers, directors, etc. and of course the Great Bird of the Galaxy himself, Gene Roddenberry.

I had been thinking about getting an actual dog bed for Maggie Moo.  We had one briefly, but Frasier apparently thought he had to rid the universe of it's presence pretty quickly.  So we started using flannel blankets for them.  Maggie has always been fine with the blankets, but I thought she might like something softer.  I priced dog beds and decided to just get a pillow for her.  I bought one for $3.00 at BigLots today.  She's slept on pillows before, she was briefly using a laundry basket with a spare pillow that Otter had in her room and she also slept in Otter's bed for a while (until she did what she does and licked everything!)  So, I put the pillow down on top of the blankets this afternoon.  And she's done everything she can to not actually get on it!  I got her to sit on it once, but she didn't stay.  Bill thought maybe it smells different, which I also thought might be the case.  So we put it on the love seat - she's not allowed up there but she usually gets up on it pretty quickly after we go to bed.  We have an old blanket on the love seat just to protect it from BeagleBaby.  The pillow is now in the spot where she usually sleeps, we'll see if she sleeps on it tonight since it's on the love seat and we know she'll be up there at some point after the lights go out!  She got a walk this morning and then I took her on another one after I got home from work today.  Otter did ask me if I'm spoiling the beagle sufficiently, I have to say that I think I am. :)

My right knee is kind of sore.  It also has a small cut above the knee cap.  I walked into the baby gate at the end of the hall this morning.  I was taking a load of laundry out of the dryer and I forgot we moved the thing to the other side of the laundry room door.  And I ran right into the stupid gate!  Maggie is much quieter than Frasier was, she will sit at the baby gate and wait for us to get up but she isn't really much of a barker (except for now and that's because she's asleep and dreaming)  We've heard her jingling collar coming down the hall a couple of times, but she will sit or lie down and wait patiently until we get up or one of us goes to the kitchen to feed her.  We always seperated their food bowls in the kitchen, one on each side of the kitchen and the water dish was on Frasier's side but they both used it.  We moved the water dish down a little bit, and I tried to relocate her food bowl to that side as well.  She absolutely refused to go anywhere near her food bowl on that side of the kitchen - we spent a lot of time telling her to get out of his food bowl, now when we want her to eat on that side she finally decides to remember what we told her! :)  Goofy baby, but we love her anyway.

Before Otter's Adventures in BillLand yesterday, I did manage to get the peppers transplanted.  Otter has two jalepenos and a peppermint, we have two jalepenos and two bell peppers.  They are in large size pots on the deck, most are in clay pots but two of them are in plastic ones.  I watered them tonight, they look good.  It could be rainy Wednesday so I might move them up closer to the house so they have a little bit of cover - sometimes rain this time of year is very hard and I'd just as soon not lose them to hail force rain.  Otter will eventually get her plants, but they are fine where they are until she does.  She'll be over one day this week to do laundry (and play with the beagle!) and she might take them then, but I think she'll probably wait a little longer until her hand heals up some.

Then, she'd better quit trying to live up to Bill's reputation!

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