Sunday, May 17, 2015


It's been one long, never-ending merry-go-round ride since Friday afternoon.

It started with a phone call from Bill as I was on the way home from work.  He wanted to tell me that he'd been in a car accident.  Talk about scaring me!  He wasn't hurt.  It was his work vehicle.  He stopped for a traffic in front of him which was stopped for a red light.  But apparently, the driver behind him didn't get the memo and he ran into Bill's work vehicle.  There was hardly any damage, but because it was his employer's vehicle it had to be called in to the police and a representative from his work had to come out.  Even though he felt fine, I told him to go get checked out and that was also the policy of his employer so they sent him to the clinic they use.  He had to wait a while.  A very long time, actually.  They said he was fine and he felt fine, so they released him to go on home.

Otter was at our house at the time, she was doing laundry and was still here when I got home.  She walked Maggie Moo with me, which delighted the somewhat silly & smelly beagle.  She stayed longer than she intended to, in case Bill turned out to be hurt and I had to go get him - she would have given me a ride to get his car and then I would have gotten him.  That turned out to be unnecessary.

Saturday was busy, we went to a local art show/sale/street fair in Tulsa.  Actually, two that were both happening at the same time.  It was a lot of fun, but it was very warm and crowded.  We didn't buy anything, unless you want to count the 2 Dr. Peppers we drank!  But it was a lot of fun and we enjoyed the day.  We were both pretty tired when we got home, however the aforementioned smelly beagle  needed a walk so I got her out the door for a short jaunt.  I took a nice, long nap after the walk and then got in the shower - and spent the rest of the afternoon parked on the couch with Billyboy watching the rest of the movies on the 100 Sci-Fi "classics" Otter gave him for Christmas - some of them were real "winners," too.  (Otter - he loved the gift and has had more fun watching them.)

Last night was the really wild part of the weekend.  We had a tornado watch in the late afternoon/evening and there were thunderstorms headed our way - but we didn't expect anything too bad.  At 11:30 p.m., I woke up because I heard something.  I didn't really know what it was, but it was not THE siren.  However, it was probably the LAST FEW SECONDS OF THE SIREN.  I turned the tv on and they were talking about my small town, but not right where we live.  The possible tornado had sprouted well east/northeast of us and was continuing on away from us.  We were in the middle of a really bad thunderstorm and still had quite a bit of it on the way, but nothing else bad was expected for us.  I considered texting Otter, but I didn't because a)  it was already on the other side of us/her, b) nothing else besides the thunderstorm was in our forecast and c) she has been known to sleep through the tornado sirens before and I didn't want to wake her up and disturb her in case she was still asleep.  I didn't check my cell phone for texts for her, but I should have.  When I got up this morning and turned it on, I had a text from her at 11:22 last night telling me that they were already in the basement, in case I was wondering.  I texted her back telling her why I didn't text her last night, and that they did the right thing.  She called me later, apparently not that many people actually went to the shelter - which is really dumb!  But it was the middle of the night and it is possible that not everyone heard it - the storm was L.O.U.D.

The storm did sprout something, but it might have "just" been high wind and not actually tornadic.  There is damage but it's all east/northeast of us. We got a lot of rain and very little sleep,  It was so hard to get up this morning.

But we had to get the garage finished up.  We started it a few weeks ago, then it was rainy then it was Mother's Day (and still rainy!) but today we had a dry day forecast.  Bill got the rest of the machines organized and took several out to the shed.  He took some misc. boxes out there as well and brought some boxes from the shed that have pachinko parts and they are on the shelves in the garage now.  I got my tree trimming tool and took care of a bunch of limblets on the three front trees and the tree on the side of the garage.  I got a little crochet done, sitting on the front porch while Bill was running machines back to the shed - that was a one-person job.

Then, the final fun event of the weekend was accomplished.  I bathed the beagle!  The beagle was not amused.  But she doesn't stink anymore.  She did smell like a wet dog for a while, but that is still better than she smelled before.  :)

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