Sunday, February 03, 2008

Be Glad That This Blog is Not in Smell-o-Vision!

Because our day started with having to get the septic tank emptied. It was not pleasant to hang around our back yard this morning! We were eating breakfast when Bill suddenly announced that he just had a feeling he should go check on the septic tank. He said that he just felt like it might be getting close to being full. So as soon as he finished eating, he checked and sure enough, it was on the verge of being too full. So instead of going to church today, we waited for the honey wagon to come out. Bill got the access uncovered, it would have been a $25.00 charge for the guy to do that himself. $25.00 for a few minutes with a shovel! Anyway, the tank was full to the point of almost overflowing. Which would have been bad. Really bad. Because the city has installed sewer lines in our area (ours runs right outside our back yard fence), we will eventually have to be put on the sewer. Existing septic tanks are grandfathered into the city statutes, as long as work is not needed on the tank. If the tank were to rupture for example, we would have no choice - we would have to attach to the sewer and that would be several thousand dollars. Emptying the tanks out is not considered to be work, it's actually maintenance. Recommended cleaning time is 3 to 5 years, we've been here just over 3 years and now we should be good for a few more years before we have to worry about it. I hope so, because it was not a pleasant smell around my house for a while! Otter and I left, we went to run a short errand so we were away from the worst of the smell. But Bill was out in the yard with the guy, so he couldn't escape. The dogs were blocked inside, they spent the entire time whining and wanting to go out. That would have been really fun, I'm sure that they would have been more than happy to help!

Exciting life we lead, isn't it? :)
Otter cleaned out her desk while ago. Not by her choice, by the way! Among other things, she found a waterproof disposable camera that has an expiration date of last September. I think maybe we bought it for her when she went to camp a couple of years ago! It was like a black hole in her desk, she found all sorts of junk and filled up her trash can. There is still a lot more organizing to be done on the desk, but she'll eventually get it finished. The Borg Queen will make sure of that!
Super Tuesday is this coming Tuesday. We're included in it. I'm voting for Huckabee, although I think that McCain has a better chance of winning the primary. Bill can't vote, he's an independent and we live in a state that is backwards at times. But I intend to be there just after 7:00 a.m., when the polls open.


Jan said...

Oh my. I, thankfully, was at work when dh decided it was time for our septic to be emptied. Not a pleasant task. The poor guys who DO that for a living! I bet they can't smell anything anymore! : )


Anonymous said...