Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ever Have One of Those Busy Days...

where you don't actually get anything done? I had one today. I did manage to do the laundry and take Otter to the library. But not much else on the "to-do" list actually got crossed off. There were plenty of things on the list, I guess they'll just have to wait!

We did manage to get through with the taxes and get them sent off, so that's good. But that wasn't even on the list! Bill also had to make an unscheduled trip to the rent house for a minor repair this afternoon. I also had a cactus plant that died - not quite sure how that happened, and it got tossed out into one of the dog holes in the back yard. But that wasn't on my list, either. Neither was making bread, but I did manage that at least.

I think Bill's baptism is going to be on the 24th of this month, the minister said that the next one is scheduled for the last Sunday of February.

We are finally, officially through with our business. I got the confirmation from the state tax commission, it was in the mailbox when we went to the post office this afternoon. As Otter used to say when she was little and had finished her meal, All Done!

Bill found a few boxes of pictures several days ago, they were put in the closet when we moved in - over 3 years ago - and we never went through them. He just took them to the living room, I think that we are going to start looking through them tonight. (He's probably hoping to find pictures he can blackmail Otter with!) If we manage to finish the job, then I'll be able to take at least one thing off of my list. We've cleaned out a lot of stuff lately, but most of it has been to donate or throw away.

We should have cleaned out BEFORE we moved, instead of waiting 3+ years to do it!


Unknown said...

Hey Otter,

Sorry I am just getting around to replying to your comment. I have been extremely busy too. Last week I was scheduled to work 30 hours, which means with my 30 minute breaks taken out I would have about 28, well I clocked out Friday with 39.2 hours. I need the hours especially since I am starting my cross training so I can become shift leader, but it doesn't leave room for much else. I have even less time when you figure in the paper route which comes to a total average of about 55 hours a week spent working.

I had today and yesterday off, but I have managed to sleep through the majority of both. lol Its funny because Friday I was so excited about it being the weekend and having two days off in a row... oh the possibilities of things to do, then I come home and crash.

Good news though, I am working about an hour a day on my photography business be it actually photography things, working on picture, or networking. Erik is working on an animation introduction for his website and then he is going to start putting together a website for me. Hopefully I will be ready to launch Nordskog Photography by the fall. (Touch wood.)

As for thrifting, our budget has gone hay-wire. It was doing really good there through the end of December, even with Christmas, and all through January, but after doing a rough draft of my taxes we are having to really watch our spending. I just did a rough draft of Federal Taxes and came to find out I will probably owe about $1,300!!! Dang self-employment tax. Anyway, I want to go thrifting soon, I'm really getting that itch lol, but I won't know until next Monday-ish if I'll be able to go or not.

So anyway, thats a lot for just a comment. lol I will try to blog sometime soon, but I am not sure when because right now its not on the top of the priority list.

Talk to you soon,
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Mom would say that you did it bass-ackward. Moving and then cleaning out. That was another of her expressions.Froggy