Saturday, February 02, 2008

Another Saturday Has Come and Gone!

It's been a good one, by the way. We made pizza and ice cream, watched a movie, I read a book, crocheted some, Otter slept until nearly noon, Bill had at least one nap and we took the dogs for a walk. Beyond that, we spent a lot of time keeping the couch from flying up to the ceiling and played with the dogs.

The dogs have done a real job on the backyard, they have uncovered a series of mole trails and we have a lot of work ahead of us to fix it. They've been very busy, in just a few days they've managed to do some real damage out there. But I don't think we can stop them, they are chasing moles and there are plenty of them around. If they were just digging for fun, I would probably be mad. I'm not happy about it, but they are just doing what comes naturally - and in this case, it's being predators.

But we've decided to hold off on a garden this year. The mole activity has increased exponentially since the streets were put in behind us and now that there is one house under construction, the moles have gotten even worse. We figure that they are leaving the noisy areas, but I wish that they weren't all coming to our yard!

When we were taking our walk today, we went inside the house that is being built. It's a 4-bedroom house, and it's not as big as my 3-bedroom house. The rooms are tiny! That seems to be the trend these days.

The snow from Thursday was gone by Friday afternoon. Which is about what we expected to happen. Now it's just muddy everywhere. I checked on the tulip bed this afternoon, the daffodils are starting to push up through the dirt and they seem to have multiplied. I hope so! No sign of the tulips yet, but it's a little early. They usually show up in March or thereabouts.

I finally got around to linking Otter's blog on mine. She's known as Insane Kitten on her blog, which fits her well. Warning: she's as politically incorrect as her mother is! Also just as conservative as both of her parents. And she's also a typical Texan Woman, combine that with red hair and she's terrifying! Just ask her about the boy in class that made one too many obscene comments to her last week. Let's just say that he's been taught a lesson he won't soon forget about not messing with Texas Women! (Don't Mess With Texas!).

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