Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Just Realized Something!

I just realized that today is February 28. And on February 28, 1993 we left TEXAS and moved to Oklahoma! 15 years ago. It's easy to figure out the number of years even when it's a hard number to come up with (I'm math challenged), because Otter was just about to turn one when we moved. So all I have to do is remember her age.

I've posted before about the trip, how hard it was and a lot of memories. so I'm not going to get into that much, but I can never, ever see a UHaul truck without remembering ours and how it had trouble in Dallas. I also can't pass a truck stop without remembering how fortunate we were that the trouble was discovered when we stopped for gas at a truck stop, and how nice everyone there was to us. The other big thing that we remember from the trip itself was Otter's reaction. She hadn't seen her daddy in about 2 months, as he'd already come to OK to look for a job. She was so excited and so happy to see him again, she spent most of the trip reaching over the side of her car seat to pat his arm and smile at him. When we got to OK, we went straight to Bill's dad's house since it was about 3:00 a.m. or thereabouts and we wouldn't be able to get the key to our apartment. We parked the truck in the driveway, then we went straight to the guest room and collapsed. And here we are 15 years later, in the same house! Only this time we aren't visiting.

Otter might be playing the asthma game today. Or she might just be coming down with the flu. Can't tell yet! Bill probably had the flu, he had all the symptoms but since he absolutely refused to go to the doctor we don't know for sure. I'm not certain that I had the same thing he did, my symptoms were all lung & asthma related without the fever, body aches, head congestion, etc. that he had. Otter seems to have what I had, she's started out the same way anyway. I hope that it is not flu, she was extremely sick when she had it about 3 years ago. I kept her home from school today. For most illnesses now, she can stay home by herself - she's nearly 16 after all! But for anything even remotely connected with her lungs, I stay with her. Her asthma is traditionally well-controlled but when it shows up, it is usually extremely fast and extremely severe. She's bummed because one of her friends is having a sleepover birthday party tomorrow night and at this point, her chances of going do not look too good.

Since I'm home, I am going to get a few more of those housekeeping chores done. There really isn't anything big, I just have been putting off a couple of things. Like cleaning the shower! I've already tackled the shower door, it was really gross at the bottom - I never thought about checking on that area for mold. Not just at the lower part of the door, I mean the actual bottom of the door where it connects with the shower frame. So if any of you have doors on your bath tubs or showers, check there!

Among other things, I managed to get Otter's room dusted. That is always a big problem, she's extremely allergic to dust so I have to do it when she's not in the room. She's on the couch with 2 blankets and the remote control, so she's safely out of the way! I'm on my 3rd load of laundry and I've cleaned the kitchen, including the stove. I even washed the cookie jar! (Bill's threatening to make cookies, they are very good but they are also lethal as they are loaded with real butter!) I have a little patching to do on a pair of Bill's jeans and a few of his work shirts to iron, I'll get that done in a bit. Also I have 4 curtains still waiting to be hemmed! I also ran the vacuum, but that happens 3 or 4 times a week anyway so I don't think that's really an extra.

(Later on)

I started this post this morning, but I've had a few breaks. For one thing, I had to run to the grocery store. I've also managed to get the curtains hemmed and they are back in the dining room windows. Finally! I've also ironed Bill's shirts (there were only two) and patched his jeans.

Otter has been parked on the couch most of the day, she isn't really watching tv much but has one of the satellite music channels on - no videos, just music. She had lunch and took a long bath, she just emerged from the bathroom and said she doesn't feel very good at all. I think it's about time for her to call her friend and back out of the sleep over party. I wish she could go, but I don't think she's going to be up to it. Now, if she wakes up tomorrow and is 100% then she'll go. But I'll be surprised if that happens.
Ok, I just checked on Otter and she is now asleep. I'm letting her sleep, even though it's nearly 4:00. She called her friend a little while ago and told her that she wouldn't be at the party in all probability. Poor thing, she's really disappointed and I am too but it can't be helped.
Funny story from the grocery store this morning: I was rounding a corner on my way to the produce area when a little grey mouse scooted out from under a display. It came to a complete stop in the middle of the aisle, then ran under another display but it was still visible. The people who work there were almost hysterical! I finally spoke up and said that it was just a mouse and was probably more scared of them then they were of it! One of them kept trying to apologize to me, as a customer facing a rodent, and I do appreciate what she was trying to do - but mice are a fact of life and they will go to where they can find food and/or shelter. What I found the most amusing is that the most terrified employee was the MAN who worked there! The store in question is always very clean and I'm sure that it's a one-time thing so I'm not worried about the cleanliness and I'll continue to shop there. But it was pretty funny, it was almost like a Godzilla movie in the way that those people were acting!
(Later Update Again!)
I'm pretty sure that Otter has the flu. She's got the symptoms, she feels worse and went to bed early. After spending time in the bathroom because she was nauseous (sp?), she never did throw up but she still feels pretty bad. So she went to bed, and Maggie beagle is right next to her. Maggie was very concerned, she came into the bathroom and had a very worried expression on her face when she saw Otter laying in the floor with her head on my lap. Maggie hasn't left her side since.
And Bill came home with a video game! Remember the large arcade games? We used to have a couple, we sold them many years ago. Well, we saw one in a neighbor's garage when we were taking a walk a couple of weeks ago. That particular house was on the market and it's now sold, the owners were cleaning out prior to moving and today the game was sitting out at the curb. With the trash. So Bill went to ask about it, and they gave it to him. It needs work, but he's an electronics engineer so it's right up his alley. Bill's got a new toy!

1 comment:

Jan said...

I'm so sorry Otter has this blasted flu! Amanda has had it for about a week. She has asthma really bad, too. She had one really bad day where I honestly thought she was ER bound...but after that day she started to perk back up! She even went to work last night, but now has three days off and plans to spend them in bed! Tell Otter to keep her chin'll be over soon. Maggie dog will make sure she's safe!
Take care!
