Thursday, February 07, 2008

If You Are Easily Offended, Then You'd Better Stop Reading This Right Now!!

Because I am fixin to get real political! (Yes, fixin is a word and it is a verb - Texan is my first language after all, yall!)

I think the wrong person dropped out of the race for the Presidency today. Romney would have been my second choice. I respect his decision and why he dropped out, I think it was a smart move on his part for both his political future and the Republican nomination process. I just wish that it had been McCain who dropped out! It looks pretty certain that McCain will be the nominee, unless he does something really stupid and I think he's too smart for that. As much as I would like Huckabee to win the nomination, I don't think that he can. He's far enough behind right now that it will be very hard for him to pull ahead enough to get the nomination. I will most likely vote for McCain if he's the Republican nominee, but I honestly do not think that he can beat either of the Democrat front runners.

Politics is not a clean game, it's a very dirty one. I've heard quite a bit about McCain's age and I think it will be used against him. I don't think he's necessarily too old for the job, but the liberals will use any and all weapons they have. Similarly, Huckabee's Christian faith & experience have been used against him - which I think is just plain wrong, but it happens. Huckabee's faith is one of the big things I like about him, and the fact that he seems to genuinely live his faith. But since Christians aren't politically correct, he has had an uphill battle the entire campaign.

I heard Rush Limbaugh say something that I disagree with strongly. He said that if McCain is the nominee, then he will boycott the election and not vote for him. Real smart - that will ensure at least one Democratic vote more than the Republican will get! I couldn't believe he said that, but I heard it when I listened to his show. I think possibly that a few other conservatives have said similar things. They sound like a bunch of spoiled kids and they are really doing a disservice to themselves as well as the party and other concerned conservatives.

Ok, I might be off my soapbox. But not for long!

We've decided to change things around in the back yard, at least as far as the dogs are concerned. Many years ago, Don and Darlene had a dog run fenced off in one area of the back yard. I think we're going to resurrect it. For anyone that's seen my house, the side door from the garage leads out to the back yard. There is a square area that then opens up into the larger part of the back yard. They had a fence line run to separate the square area off. The fence line was taken down a long time ago. We're going to invest in a section of chain link and a gate, and then put it up in the same place as it was before. I'm sure that Frasier and Maggie will be unhappy, but they'll learn to live with it. When we are home and at night they'll have access to the rest of the yard. But I'm really tired of coming home and finding another crater in my yard that reaches nearly to China! I don't mind a little digging, it's their natural instinct after all. But with the increased mole activity lately, my yard looks like the aftermath of a meteor storm! We will have to extend the electric fence wire on the new part, otherwise Frasier will be over it immediately. When the construction really gets going behind us - if it ever does, which we hope not - then they will probably be allowed out of their area all day for security reasons.

I think that's all for tonight!

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