Friday, September 04, 2009

Belief & Sabbath

Somebody asked me about our Saturdays, here's the easy answer.

We are "officially" Southern Baptist. Here's the main website, for info.

But we really are more closely like the Seventh Day Baptist Church. We do not belong to the SDB church, it's not a big denomination. We enjoy the SBC (Southern Baptist Church) but there are a few things that are closer to what we believe in, in the SDB church. Here is their official website, which has a good explanation of Sabbath Saturday.

I don't see us officially changing denominations, there is only one SDB church in our area and it's further than we would prefer to travel. Although it might be one we visit in the future. They are not too far apart in doctrine and beliefs.
Sabbath is something we've been observing for the last few years. It took a great deal of prayer and discussion, and obviously it was a big change to get used to. But it's one of the best decisions we have ever made. I resisted it big-time at first, but now I find myself looking forward to the next Saturday from the time one Saturday ends. Otter will frequently tell me on about Thursday that she really, REALLY needs a Saturday and that it can't get here fast enough. I know exactly how she feels!
There are the occasional Saturdays where we go somewhere, they are usually when we have visitors (like Froggy and Toadly who have to go to the flea market!), but we generally don't go anywhere. We stay home and spend the day as a family. We watch a couple of shows we've taped during the week, and we take turns choosing a movie to rent. The shows we tape are Charles Stanley, James Merrit (both Southern Baptist), David Jeremiah (forget which church he's part of) and John Hagee (non-denominational but he was raised Southern Baptist and his sermons reflect that). If the weather is cooperative, and we feel like it, we walk the dogs (which the are always ready for) or Otter might ride her bike - which I would also do if I had one right now! We can read all day, nap all day (Bill's done that!), I have several hours in which to crochet without interruption, we frequently have craft projects, we swam when we had a pool, etc., and there is also Bible reading. Just nothing that would be considered as actual work. It can be a fine line between what is work and what is relaxing, and it can also take a while to figure that out. Sometimes I'll cook an actual meal, but usually is F & F (Fix it and Find out what you will eat!). The computers are turned off by Sunset Friday and aren't turned on until after sunset Saturday with very few exceptions - such as having to print Otter's boarding pass for a trip to Texas one time. (Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday). Other than the taped shows and the movie, we don't watch tv unless we need to check for potential weather issues during certain seasons - this is Tornado Alley, after all!
We generally stay home, but occasionally we have gone somewhere. When Otter was in karate, the tests were always on Saturday for example. Medical care needs, obviously, are the exception. Occasionally Otter will get invited to a friend's house for a party, sleepover, movie, etc., which will be on Friday night or Saturday and she usually gets to go to those.
The other benefit is that if we don't go anywhere, nobody needs to get dressed. We just stay in our pj's all day. Otter likes to sleep late, when MaggieMoo lets her that is, and then she brings her blanket and pillow to the loveseat and makes herself a nest. She usually has a stack of books beside her.
The Saturday observance of Sabbath is more closely Jewish, and since Christianity came directly out of Judaism we feel like that is one of the many customs that we should honor. We are extremely pro-Israel, we always have been, and that is one reason we originally thought about Saturday observance. We feel, as do many people I've discovered, that there are a great many observances in the Christian church that while not incorrect, have been changed for Man's convenience and not because of God's directives. Sabbath day is one of those things.
One other thing that I have changed about myself: submission. Biblical submission. The Bible is pretty clear about the order of authority within the family unit, and I decided several years ago that I needed to follow God's laws. So I did just that. Submission is a very misunderstood topic and one I'll get into later. This post is already long enough. Also, Blogger may be acting up because I have to keep adjusting my paragraphs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. This is what I was wanting to know about. I love the idea of staying home in my pjs all day. Sounds great. Froggy