Monday, September 28, 2009

Maggie Moo Monday!

Hi! Hi! Hi! It's mee, Maggie! Hi! Hi! Hi!

My mommm and her mommm played a mean trick on mee the otherrr day. They told us wee could go for a riiiide. Wee like riiides. Wee got to go in the carrr. You have to go in the carrr for a riiide. This day, the riiide tooked us to the vvett! I don't like the vvett.

My brotherr Frasier was acting like it didn't botherr himmm, but I think hee was just pretending. Hee acts so brave, but I don't thinnk hee is brave.

The vvett made mee go into a little room, hee made mee leave my mommm and her mommm and my brotherr Frasier all alone. I neeeed to bee there to protect themmm from the vvett. But the vvett tooked mee away and then they did some badd things to my beehind. I was scared, but the vvett tolded mee that it would make mee feel betterr. Then they tooked mee back to my mommm and her mommm and gave me a treat. My brotherr Frasier got a treat, but I was braver than hee was and he didn't have to get anything done to his beehind so I think I deserved the treats more than hee did.

I was realllly gladd when my mommm tooked me outside. Then wee got to go for another riide in the carr. You have to go in the carr to get a riiide. Then wee got to riiide home. I was so happee to bee home! I don't ever want to go back to the vvett, but I think I heard my mommm's mommm say that I might have to go back soon to get that bad thing done to my beehind again. I'd betterr get morre treats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Maggie should get more treats than Frasier.
