Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some Sunday Stuff and Misc. Ramblings

First things first, Froggy this is for you!

I've been meaning to post that picture for ages but I kept forgetting. I think it was from Cute Overload. Funny site.

OK. Enough with the turtle stuff for Froggy. For the moment, anyway.

I'm not sure, but I think the hummingbirds have all gone south for the winter. I haven't seen one in days. I still have feeders out, but I think I'm going to take two of the three down. I'll leave one up for a while, because sometimes they stop on the way south for a pitstop. But it's going to be time very soon to get out my seed & suet feeders.

The bluebonnet that came up in the whiskey barrel is going strong. And it's not alone, there are about 10 plants coming up. I hope that they get to the blooming stage before we get our first freeze. But even if they don't, it's still really nice to know that they are there. But I am concerned that if they have come up now we might not have any more in the spring since they are naturalized now.

We went to the rent house this morning and mowed. I think we are going to have to replace the lawn mower sooner than we wanted to. It's been acting like it was on the verge of breaking beyond help for a while, Bill's been babying it along with the intention of replacing it next spring. But I'm not sure if it's going to make it that long! It smokes, sounds funny, quits a lot and is hard to start. At one point today, Bill thought it had finally quit but then he was able to get it started. We bought it 5 years ago and it's been used a lot, both at home and when we've had to mow at the rent house. And with all the rain we've had lately, the grass is growing fast & tall in short periods of time. We did look at Lowe's the other day when we had to go buy a new blade, and I think we're going to (try to) go with our original plan of replacing the mower next year. Along with the pool!

Otter got to stay home today. She did laundry and dishes for me, so she probably would have preferred going to the rent house to sweep. Such a mean mother, I make her do chores! :)

Fall doesn't officially start until next week, I think on Tuesday. We've had mild weather lately and it's been really nice, between rain storms that is! But tomorrow, Monday, is supposed to be in the mid-80's and we have a chance of SLS's. (Spring Like Storms). Tuesday is supposed to be in the same general temperature range but then it's back to 70's for the rest of the week. We've been seeing trees start to turn for a few weeks now, I'm wondering what kind of winter we are facing and how early it's going to hit. We've gotten quite a bit of firewood but not enough yet. Bill got some, but then the rent house took priority so he put firewood on the back burner. No that wasn't a deliberate pun, Toadly! Anyway, I think he's going to see about getting more firewood soon. We also have to get the fireplace & chimney checked, it's been 2 years and we're going to get the dryer vent cleaned out while we're at it. We have not had time to do anything else towards getting the roof at home replaced, but we'll get back on that soon. It does need to be taken care of, we just haven't had time.

Now, I think I'm going to go play with a certain beagle who is snoozing on the floor beside my chair. She's been following Otter around for a while, but now I guess it's my turn to be graced with her beagle self!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture.
My hummers seem to be gone, but I am going to leave the feeder up for a while. There may be some late migrators or ones that get left behind.