Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bill's Done It Again!

He's got an ouchie. This time, it's his back. And it's work-related. And then he told me I could post this!

He came home on Friday complaining that his back was really hurting. He said it had been bothering him most of the day, not from any one time in particular but just hurting. Bad. Of course, he didn't report it to anybody. That would be logical, after all, and this is Billyboy we're dealing with here!

He spent most of the weekend in obvious pain. We had to go to the rent house but he didn't do too much, he just walked behind the mower very slowly. There was no lifting involved, I made sure of that.

So yesterday morning, when he was still in a considerable amount of pain, he finally decided to listen to me. After all, I do have experience with a back injury and I also have quite a bit of experience handling insurance/comp claims from a previous job. I guess I got through to him, because he went to work yesterday and told his boss. Who was extremely understanding and immediately sent Bill to the doctor. The diagnosis is muscle strain, which is what we thought, and he's got Happy Pills to take. He has an anti-inflammatory, a pain pill and a muscle relaxer. He's on regular duty, he just has to be careful.

He took his pills when he got home last night, and he spent most of the evening being grouchy! And sleepy.
He's back to work this morning, he took his anti-inflammatory and also took one with him to take after lunch. He's not supposed to take the pain pill or muscle relaxer when he might be driving or around machinery so they have to wait until he gets home.
At least this adventure didn't involve blood or stitches.

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