Friday, December 25, 2009

Cold Stuff!

Officially, I think we got something like 6" of snow. But it blew so much that it's drifted much higher. Over a foot of snow is all over the yard.

We (we being Bill mostly) shoveled off the front porch, sidewalk and an area in the driveway. Grandpa & Sweetie were unable to make it over here this morning, so we put off our Christmas with them until tomorrow. We had waffles for breakfast this morning, then opened presents with Otter. It was a nice, quiet Christmas morning. And we still have tomorrow to look forward to, which is a good thing.

Anyway, now that the driveway, etc. are semi-clear of snow & ice it will be a little safer for them tomorrow. The streets are not clear, but I don't have any idea of the non-nieghborhood streets. I know that the turnpikes were closed earlier, which almost never happens. But the news at noon made it look like some progress has happened as far as clearing roadways.

Otter went outside in the back yard to play in the snow for a while. She took both dogs out with her. The snow was drifted pretty high on the back deck, which Maggie discovered when she ran out with her usual speed. And right into a snow drift! She tried to swim the rest of the way off the deck, then gave up and just started bouncing over the snow. She went down all the way at the end of each bounce, it was so funny. Magsters made it out to the back yard, ran more or less in a circle and then bounded right back up to the deck and right in the back door. And she absolutely would NOT go back outside for anything! I think that maybe the beagle doesn't like snow. Frasier, on the other hand, loves it. He stayed out until Otter came in, then he came in with her and parked his furry behind on his blanket.

I tried to get pictures of Maggie in the snow, but the camera is not working. I have a suspicion that it's broken or trying to break. It's been acting up lately, and it keeps telling me that it needs new batteries as well as simply not taking clean pictures.

We had chili for lunch, after the de-icing of the driveway we were really cold and it was a good meal to come in for.
And now, I'm going to go get my crochet and keep the couch company.

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