Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Or at least a little like it, around my house.

Otter got the tree decorated today. I was going to take picture but my camera batteries are weak and we seem to have all sorts of other size batteries except the ones I need. So maybe tomorrow, if I remember!

Anyway, this is the first time we've used this particular fiber optic tree. And it might be the last. It's ugly! The tree itself, not Otter's decoration. It's kind of skinny and taller than I would prefer, considering that it's on the sofa table. But, at least we finally have it up. I was about at the point where I was going to say skip it!

Busy at work, which I knew it would be. Tomorrow will be busy, but then it should be calmer for the remaining two days. Should be and Actually are frequently not the same thing, at least where I work.

Bill steam cleaned the living room carpet today. It was pretty dirty, from what he and Otter said regarding the water that came out of the steam cleaner. But we've only cleaned it once in the 5 years we've been here, and I don't think we cleaned it all then. While he was at it, he also cleaned the ceiling fans in two rooms and then he dusted the mantle and rocks above it. Tomorrow, I think he's going to play with his power tools. Not a comforting thought!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job BIll. That is one thing that I do not miss. Since we do not have carpet anymore, I don't have to clean it. Tile is so much easier to clean and keep clean. I will never have carpet again. The carpet we had also made the asthma worse. Froggy