Sunday, December 27, 2009

Motorcycle Day

It's the day we refer to as Motorcycle Day.

In other words, it's my birthday. I'm 48 today, so for the next 6 months Bill and I will be the same age. For 6 months, he's married to a younger woman and I'm married to an older man.

My birthday is about the only day I can get him to go shopping with me, for more than a fast trip. So I always take advantage of that, and we go shopping!

So that's what we did. And it was fun. But it would have been more fun if I'd actually been able to find something! We hit several thrift stores, I was on a Fenton hunt and they are the best place to find it. I saw one piece, which I already have but I only paid about $5.00 for mine and they wanted $25 for theirs. It's a harder to find piece, but not extremely rare. They were way overpriced. Bill and Otter each found several books and she found - what else? - a pair of shoes. Well, I guess it gives me an excuse to go shopping again this coming week.

We also hit Wallyworld this morning, and I looked at cameras but didn't see anything I really liked. And we went to Garden Ridge. Garden Ridge is not the store it used to be. In fact, we kind of expect it to close because it just had that look about it. And it was mostly junk, although Bill did find the led lights he wanted for one of his projects. Which meant a trip back to Wallyworld, to return the ones he bought this morning when he couldn't find the exact ones he wanted. The return department at Wally is very busy today!

We also went to our favorite local Mexican place for lunch. I'm stuffed! We all are, actually. It was very good.

We had planned on going to church this morning, but the pastor emailed everyone that the parking lot hadn't been treated and he really didn't want anyone to even try since it was dangerous. The neighborhood streets are pretty bad, they are almost never treated. The city streets are hit or miss, some of them were really bad and some of them weren't. There are still cars abandoned by the side of the road and lots still in various ditches. We didn't get up to freezing today, tomorrow (I think) is supposed to get to the mid-30's but the rest of the week will be back to the low 30's and there is a possibility of snow mid-week. I'm really glad that we are all off work/school this week, so nobody has to go anywhere if we don't want to.
Did I mention that I woke up at 4:00 this morning? On my birthday! Since I was up so early, and Bill was already up, we took the Christmas tree down and all the other assorted decorations. I honestly would have taken it down Friday, except that Grandpa and Sweetie weren't able to make it until Saturday morning due to the ice. So the tree got a reprieve until today. All done now!

OK, now I'm going to go surf the 'net for a while and drink a coke. Because I'm so stuffed from lunch that I can't move! Quesadillas! Happy, Happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Motorcycle Day!!!