Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Bird Brains

No, I'm not talking about the dogs.  Or Bill!

I'm talking about the feathered, flying kind.

We've seen some interesting ones lately.  Monday morning, on the way to take Otter to school, we were driving up what is basically a country road.  An owl flew across the road in front of us, it was probably just a few feet higher than the top of the car.  I'm not sure what kind it was, it was still too dark to tell details.

There are also bald eagles in the area.  They have a nesting spot that is not too far from Tulsa, and they are frequently seen south of Tulsa and in our area.  Bill's seen the adults before, but I had never managed to see them.  Until shortly after the owl.  We saw juvenile birds, they were perched on power lines.  Apparently, there have been several sightings of young baldies.  They are very pretty birds.

On to other things.


Sidekick (also known as Maggie) needed some attention paid to her rear parts.  The vet had an opening today, so I ran her and SuperChupa (Frasier) up there.  He went for moral support.  But I'm thinking that the next time I have to take a dog by myself, I'll only take one and the moral support puppy can just stay home.  It was easy loading them into the car, then they rode well.  But once we got there, that's when the trouble started.  Maggie was easy to get out, she always goes out the front door and Fraiser waits for me to open the back door and get him out.  Not today!  He could see inside the vet's glass windows and there were two other dogs in there.  One of them was really hyper, and I think Fraiser wanted to play with it.  He was out the front door before I was even all the way out myself.  I managed to pin him between me and the car, but his leash was wrapped around him and caught on something inside the car so he was pretty well stuck.  I got ahold of the leash and got it unstuck, but the fun continued.  I had to pick up my cell phone, which had gone flying when Fraiser tried to get out of the car.  Then I had to deal with two doggies that wanted to walk on opposite sides of a very wide support post.  I seriously considered just strangling one of them and leaving them tied there!  (Not really).  I finally get them going the same direction at the same time, and Frasier runs right up to the vet's door.  Which opens out, so I couldn't get in because he wouldn't move!  The vet tech had to push open the door and then it took both of us to keep Fraiser from running over to play with the other dogs - and it was play, he was not being aggressive.  She opened the exam room door and we went straight in there.

Where I spent the next several minutes dragging Frasier away from the exit door because he still thought that he should get to go play with the other doggies!  Maggie's treatment just took a few minutes, she had to be literally dragged out of the room - once she figured out which end she did NOT want the vet to see!  Then when we exited the exam room, Frasier went right back out to where he'd seen the other dogs.  And there was a lady holding a cat!  At this point, it stopped being play.  Well, it was probably still play to him and he still wasn't being aggressive.  But he desperately wanted that cat.  It took both me and the tech to hold him still and get him out of the way so that the lady and the cat could get out of the lobby.  Then, it was nearly impossible to hold Maggie Moo back because somebody came in the door and she was overjoyed to see them!

At least Maggie Moo smells better and hasn't dragged her behind across the floor since we got home.

We are in for some possibly very cold weather.  The front is expected to come in late Friday night.  I was going to hit the grocery store Friday on the way home for a couple of things, but on the news tonight the forecaster commented about how busy the grocery stores will be this weekend, because the snow potential is Monday and Tuesday.  I just need a few things, milk and so forth.  But I'm not going to wait until Friday.  I'll go tomorrow after work.  Because people can get kind of stupid about weather up here!  You'd think that they'd be better prepared, because we do get enough winter each year that we should have all learned our lesson by now.  But, apparently not.  So I'll go get my stuff tomorrow, and I'll also make sure that the car's tank is filled because that's the other place that people tend to get stupid about.

At any rate, I'm really glad we bought all that firewood.  We've used a lot of it, but we still have a huge amount left.

The way it works is, Bill builds a fire.  Somebody usually roasts marshmallows, makes 'smores, etc.  Then the beagle camps out in front of the fireplace, right in the middle.  And then she won't move for anything!  :)

Guess she's not so dumb after all.  At least, not about her creature comforts!

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