Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ear Flaps

I'm pretty much over the cold.  I still have some outbreaks of coughing and my nose gets stuffy at times.  But I don't have the major symptoms anymore, although my throat is not quite up to singing yet.  That's a hard one for me.  I do have one other, fun thing to deal with.  I have ear flaps!  My left ear is noisy, which is not uncommon with the congestion.  I just wish that particular symptom would hurry up and be gone!  It's annoying.

Winter might be on the way.  Or maybe not, remember we have less than brillant weather forecasters to deal with.  Although they might get it right this time.  Frankly, I hope that they are right and we get snowed in tomorrow.  I am in desperate need of what Otter calls a Mental Health Day.  You know, a day off from work (when I'm not sick) to just do whatever.  It's a possibility.  If not, then I guess I'll go to work tomorrow!  Mostly, I think she just wants the day off from school - and I can't say I blame her for that.  :)

Anyway.  We are prepared for winter weather.  We generally always are, which is a result of the first winter we lived here and we got caught unprepared.  Never let it be said that the Borg Queen gets caught twice!  I had to stop at the grocery store this morning for two or three things I just needed (efferdent and guacamole, not really what I'd call storm supplies), and they were pretty crowded already.  Before 7:00 a.m.!  I also needed to fill the car, and the gas station looked to be a popular place as well today.  When Otter and I were running our after work/school errands today, we noticed that many places are busy and most of them are either food or hardware related.  So we went to a craft store instead!  Actually, we went to two of them.

We just refilled the bird feeders.  With lots of puppy help, that is.  The dogs did such a good job of cleaning up any spilled seed from the ground.  Don't know what we'd do without them. :)  (Be bored, that's for sure).

I'm having skin issues.  Not unusual, especially this time of year when the air is so dry.  But two splits at once is not fun.  Well, I'm not going to let it stop me from crocheting.  That's what latex gloves are for, after all.  At least, that's what they are for in my world.

Resistance is Futile, after all.


Anonymous said...

I am having squirrel issues. I love watching them try and get the bird food from the feeders. We moved 1 so they can't get it yet. The other one I will move tomorrow and see how fast they can figure it out. They are so funny to watch. They hang by their back feet and then try to get the bird food.I have some corn out for them, but right now they are being lazy and going for the bird food. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

We haven't seen squirrels lately, they are probably snoozing the winter away. We have seen quite a few birds, I can always tell when a hawk is in the area because they disappear in a flash. Then the hawk shows up, sometimes they land in our trees.

Anonymous said...

I love watching the hawks. It is so funny how all the birds disappear and then the hawk flies over or lands. It takes about 15 minutes after the hawk leaves for the birds to return. Even the squirrels hide from the hawks. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

One time, a squirrel was running along the back fence and suddenly realized that there was a hawk sitting on top of the fence. Ever see a squirrel put on the brakes and throw it into reverse? It was pretty funny.