Monday, January 10, 2011

Tales From the Cold Side

As in, I have a cold.  But it's also cold outside.  And white & fluffy!

We got a dusting of snow overnight, just enough to cover the car windshields but the coverage on the ground was patchy.  The streets were ok today, or at least there were no school closings.  Not that I went anywhere besides my couch!

It's been snowing off & on this afternoon, and it's been pretty cold.  We've been below freezing long enough that there may well be some street issues tomorrow and maybe school closings.  I don't know if I'm going to go anywhere tomorrow, either.

Depends on how I feel.

Which is cruddy at the moment.

I've gone through 3 1/2 large boxes of kleenex since yesterday afternoon.  My nose is probably about as red as Rudolph's!  I am tired of sneezing.  My throat is sore off & on, but I've been pouring down the liquids and it helps.

Otter rode the school bus today, which was not her first choice.  I don't really blame her for that, but I was not really up to getting out in the cold if I didn't have to.  I stayed on the couch pretty much all day, with a roaring fire going and a couple of dogs to keep me company.  They alternated between (Maggie) parking on my feet (blanket covered) or under the blanket and the fireplace, and (Frasier) snoozing on his blanket or practically getting in my lap, as he likes to be veryclose to me.  Especially when I'm not feeling well.

After Otter got home from school, she made an interesting discovery.  She was taking some clean clothes out of the dryer and a stinkbug fell out of it!  It was probably a warm bug, and probably dizzy, but it was also still alive and there is no evidence that it fumigated anything.  She put it out in the back yard.  Now, it's probably a pretty cold bug.

She also brought in my bird feeders so I could refill them.  Which caused Maggie immense joy, she was wired and wound up more than usual for some reason.  Who knows what goes through that dog's mind!  Or, if she even really has one.  Fraiser was happy, he went outside for a few minutes and so did beaglebrat, but he came back in after a little while and went right back to his blanket.

Since I was home, I did some crochet.  I worked on Bill's blanket, I figured that today was a really good day to work on a nice, big, warm blanket.  I'm just about out of small spare amounts of yarn, so there probably won't be much progress on it in the near future.  I finished up the lap blanket yesterday, although I didn't get the tails woven back in.  I started that this afternoon.

That's about as energetic as I got, unless you count changing tv stations with the remote control.  And making dinner, but meatloaf is easy and Otter helped a lot with it.  She usually does help a lot, she loves to cook and I enjoy teaching her.

She's taking cooking this semester in school.  She already knows quite a bit about cooking, but she is always looking to learn more.  But we're not sure about this teacher.  One of her first instructions to the class was THAT EVERYONE ALWAYS HAS TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT.

I'm not sure she has a clue who she's dealing with!  Well, somebody will educate her.  And it might not only be Otter.  :)


Anonymous said...

sorry that you are sick, but I bet the dogs enjoy the company. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

They also seem to be really happy about the fireplace!

Anonymous said...

How is the cooking class going? Froggy

Otter Mom said...

They are learning about healthy food at the moment, and apparently one bite of a less-than-healthy food item is enough to kill you. Or at least the teacher seems to think so. Otter could probably teach the class herself, she's been cooking for years. Froggy, you probably taught yours to cook from an early age as well.