Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Tiredness!

As in, tired of being sick.

I'm better, I'm just not 100% recovered yet.  I am still congested and having to blow my nose frequently, but not as frequently as it has been.  My voice is rough, but at least I still have it - when I get colds, it's not uncommon for me to lose my voice completely.  I've still been dealing with sinus pressure and related headaches, but they don't last all day anymore.  I have been having some asthma symptoms, but nothing major.

Mostly, I just feel really tired.  Which is also normal for me.  I don't get little colds, I get big ones.  And this one has been a "normal" big one.  I'm ready for it to go away!  I went to work Thursday and left about 2:00, then I managed to stay all day Friday but I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home, after getting Otter at school and making a quick stop at the video store.

I did manage to get a lot of crochet done yesterday.  I am just about finished with my UFO's.  Now, it's time to start some other projects I've had planned for a little while.  Froggy, your hat is finished!  I'll get it mailed to you in a few days, I have to make the other two that I mentioned to you, which I will send with yours.
Otter's off with BF today, they are going to the movies.  I think that they are going to see Season of the Witch.  It sounds pretty good, but I don't know if we'll actually get there or if we'll wind up seeing it when it comes out on video (most likely).

I was kind of concerned about Frasier earlier.  He and Maggie had been outside for a little while, Otter was cleaning out the dog yard (her chore, which she hates and I don't blame her).  That meant that she had the gate open, and they knew it so they took advantage of the chance to run around the big part of the back yard.  They came back in on their own when they got tired of chasing each other, and Frasier parked himself on his blanket.  But he looked like his teeth were chattering.  He wasn't cold and he wasn't shivering, it wasn't a seizure and they had been inside for several minutes.  It wasn't constant, but he did it several times over a couple of minutes.  He acted fine, he was happy and friendly.  But it was something we've never seen before.  It didn't last too long, but we'll keep an eye on him.  Maggie was just glad to be inside, and she mananged to get herself in between me and Frasier in an effort to soak up all the attention for herself.  Little bratty beagle!

Otter is off from school tomorrow.  She's going to work with me.  I'm going to take her over to see Miss Dorothy after work, Miss Dorothy said that she hasn't seen Girlfriend in too long.  So it's a command performance, but I'd already planned on it.

Bill's off, too.  But he's going to spend the day at home with his pachinko machines.  And probably power tools!  So, think safe thoughts for him...

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