Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Caffiene!

Today's title is courtesy of Otter.  We didn't get moving in time to go to church this morning, and when we did manage to get out it was to head to the grocery store.  At which time Otter decided that she'd welcome a caffiene IV.  I think I probably could have used one as well.  Otter's caffiene is usually in the form of a coke - keep in mind that she is a TEXAN, so coke could also mean Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew.

Along with the grocery store, we also went to Walgreen's and took advantage of their sales & coupons.  Walgreen's is fun!

Our high temperature for the day is in the mid-30's.  We've already reached it.  We hit it fairly early on, and it's been heading down ever since.  I think we're in the high or mid-20's at the moment.  We have a chance of white stuff, but I don't think it's a strong chance.  Mostly, it's just really really cold.  The air is at that temperature that makes my lungs quit working, so I'm trying to limit my time outside.  We loaded the car with the recycling stuff and had the grocery trip, but I haven't been outside much and won't be.  Which is really hard for me, I need my outside time!

For consolation since I can't go outside and play, we watched a Dirty Jobs marathon on tv.  It's a great show, but I'd really love to see him attempt to either lay seal coat on a parking lot that has been baking all day in the hot S. TEXAS sun, or stripe it.  Or both!  That's a really dirty job, and not one I'd care to ever have to repeat!

We rented the latest Shrek movie for yesterday.  It was cute, not as bad as I was expecting but it also could have been a lot better.  It was pretty obviously a money-grab.  But it was funny.

Along with groceries, we bought more bird seed.  The last time I looked out, the yard was full of sparrows with a couple of red-wing blackbirds thrown in for good measure.  We saw a few robins yesterday, as well as a whole bunch of doves.

I have nearly finished all my UFO's.  I finished Bill's blanket yesterday.  It was a way to use up spare yarn and I didn't think I'd be through with it for a while.  But I finished a row yesterday and decided to put it on the bed to measure it.  We realized that it was big enough so cover the bed, so it's now a completed UFO.  I have two left - one is Otter's quilt and will get finished soon, and the other one is a teddy bear face pot holder I made for Froggy.  I took it with me last summer, left it in it's unfinished state and she was going to finish it.  But she got busy with quilting, so I had her send it back to me.  I was going to work on it last week, but I don't have anymore of the yarn I used so I'm going to have a re-think.  I'll eventually get it finished, Froggy, but it might have different ears.

Otter's busy at the moment, she's cleaning out stuff in her room.  Her room is not that big, her room at our old house was pretty big but she had a postage-stamp sized closet over there and she has a much bigger closet now, so she's happy with the trade-off.  But she has a lot of stuff that has been stored in her room, old toys, craft stuff and so forth, since we moved.  Over 6 years ago!  She's tired of having to move it around, so she's cleaning out and getting stuff ready to store in the attic.  She might go so far as to clean out her books, but I don't think she's decided about that yet.

We do have a spring or summer project planned.  Otter has a doll house that she bought when she was in early elementary school, I don't remember the grade.  She saved her money for a very long time, and then when she had enough, we took her to Hobby Lobby and she bought a doll house kit.  It was a family project, mostly Bill's project actually because it was a kit and not a completed house.  She played with it for years, until she outgrew it.  But she didn't get rid of it.  It's in the attic.  We're going to get it down when the weather is warm.  Then we're going to see what needs to be repaired and she probably wants to repaint it.  It's pink and bright purple, in case you were wondering.  She's going to go through all the furniture and accessories, see what needs to be repaired or tossed and then we're going to store it correctly so that she'll have it for her kids.

While we're at it, I might see if I can motivate the resident Engineer into cleaning out and rearranging the contents of the attic.  I'm sure that there is a lot of stuff up there that we don't need and won't use, and it is kind of hard to find things like it is.

Or maybe that's just the Borg Queen talking.

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