Thursday, June 23, 2011

One To Go!

One work day left, then we are on vacation!

Usually, we take the first week of July.  But Bill couldn't get the first week approved, so he asked for the last week of June instead.  He works for a school district and they have things scheduled during the summer when the kids are not in the schools, the summer is actually a fairly busy time for non-teacher staff of school districts.  It actually is going to work out better, because the original plan was Monday as a holiday and 4 days of vacation.  But since we're taking the week prior to July 4th, we'll actually have one more day off than normal since the holiday is on a Monday this year.

Small miracles, but I'm happy about it.  I desperately need a vacation!  We still will be getting up around the same time in the mornings, the dogs have this strange idea that they need to be fed on a regular basis.  We just won't have to hurry breakfast and go to work.  I intend to spend several mornings on the deck with my coffee cup.  Depending on the weather, that is!  Although I think it's supposed to be dry.  Just hot!

We are probably going to head out on one of our exploration/shopping rambles one day next week.  We have a couple of choices, we just haven't decided for sure which direction or which day.  Well, we think we know which direction we're going.  We just aren't certain of the day yet.  The only thing that is definite one day next week is that I'm taking my car for an oil change Monday morning and possibly Bill is taking the White Lightning in for one as well.  IF he can get it started, that is.  The El Camino has been sitting in the driveway for a while, the battery was dead when he tried to start it so he took the battery to get checked.  and it tested as good.  So he thought maybe it was another problem, but it turned out that the radio he installed in the White Lightning a while back has a clock that was sucking all the juice out of the battery!  He bought a solar charger, which is basically a solar panel that sits inside the car on the dashboard and it's slowly charging the battery up.  Neat gadget!

The rest of the week is deliberately unplanned.  Last year, I went to TEXAS and spent the week with Froggy.  Then, we went to TEXAS for Thanksgiving and I used my remaining vacation days at Christmas like I usually do.  This year, nobody is in the mood to go anywhere very far so we're just going to hang around the house and do whatever.  I might take Otter to a movie, or she might get together with one of her friends.  Bill's going to take advantage of the free time and work on his pachinko machines.  Oh, and we'll get a few fireworks!  And probably make homemade pizza one day.  Since we'll be home, Otter and I will be cooking more than normal (by choice, we both enjoy it).  We went to the grocery store today and bought pizza fixins.  (Remember, we Texans have our own language and fixins is an officially recognized TEXAS word with multiple meanings).

I haven't had any crochet time at all this week.  That's not a good thing.  Just ask Bill! :)  I'm going to remedy that situation as much as possible next week.  I had been thinking about entering something in the State Fair but I think I've changed my mind.  I have done a couple of commissioned items for a price, and realized that I don't really enjoy it as a "business."  The last thing I want is for my crochet to become work.  So I probably won't submit anything this year.

I'm just glad that tomorrow is (finally) Friday.  It's been a long week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a fun restful time with a lot of crocheting in there. Froggy