Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday School

Today's title brought to you courtesy of Otter and Bill.  He's setting up a Facebook page for the pachinko business and that means that he had to ask the resident teenager for help. :)  He hasn't gotten it completely set up yet, but he'll eventually get there.

I took the bird nest out of my planter this afternoon.  Among other things, it had yarn in it.  That means that Mama Bird visited the back yard, where I toss out stray bits of yarn for the birds to use.  I guess it works!

Otter and I went to the library this afternoon.  We went a few days ago and still had some books left, but we always need more.  We had discussed thrifting, but we just never quite got there.  Probably this week sometime.  I have a bunch of stuff to donate, I started cleaning out/off my shelves in the garage by my workbench this morning.  I was going to work on that when we're on vacation (at home this time) in a couple of weeks, but I was looking for something and found a few things I don't want anymore so they are now in the donate pile.  Among other things, I found my other hummingbird feeders which I though had been thrown out or donated but they were just hiding.  I don't really think there is all that much to get rid of on the shelves, mostly I think it just needs to be organized (which includes taking all Bill's junk off of my shelves & workbench!).

Funny Frasier story:  When Nana was visiting for Otter's graduation, we watched a movie on dvd one of the days she was here.  Arsenic and Old Lace, really funny movie.  Anyway, Frasier was having a nap in the middle of the living room floor (common occurance).  At one point in the movie, somebody is walking through a dark room and apparently he steps on a cat. which yowls.  It must have scared the dog, because he jumped straight up in the air (still in his curled up position), came down on all 4 feet and flew out of the room as fast as he could!  He wasn't chasing the cat, either.  He was running from it!  Goofy, goosey dog.  If it's possible for dogs to be embarassed, I'm sure he was.  He stayed outside for a long time after that.

As I mentioned, we're going to be on vacation in 2 weeks.  We are not going anywhere this time, we are going to stay home and do whatever.  I'm thinking that Otter and I will probably take a day to go thrifting and antiquing, Billyboy may go with us as well.  But we don't have any specific plans, aside from possibly redoing Otter's dollhouse before storing it properly.  Mostly, I'm just looking forward to not having to get up before dawn!  Well, unless Frasier and Maggie want to be fed on time that is.

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