Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Wednesday's W(h)ining

I don't really have anything to whine about today, I just love this picture!  And since it is Wednesday, and I went to Wine Wednesday at the liquor store, I thought it was a good day to post it.

We're empty-nesters.  Our babies have flown!  We thought that they were on the verge of flying yesterday, when I went to pick Otter and BF up from the movie they saw Mama Bird was in the tree near the porch and chirping.  The babies were all aimed in her direction, but they hadn't figured it out at that point.  This morning, they are all gone.  Sometimes birds will raise more than one family per year and they will sometimes come back to the same nest, so we are not cleaning it out yet.  Although somebody has got to get out there with the broom, the porch is covered in "evidence!"

Otter and I washed the El Camino this afternoon.  It's just been sitting in the driveway, I'm not sure how long it's been since Billyboy actually drove the White Lightning.  But the battery is dead as in doornail!  I was going to move it to the middle of the front yard so we could water the lawn at the same time, but it wasn't going anywhere.  So the driveway got wet instead!  But the car is now white again, and not red from the dust from the storms a couple of weeks back.  We might wash Bill's impala this weekend, we won't have time the next couple of days.  But it did get hosed off, so it's at least a little less dusty now.

The backyard bluebonnet definetely has a bud.  Otter's jalepeno plants are really producing, she's harvested one pepper and there are several more but they are still too small yet.  Not for long, though.  The plants are not big, but they are loaded with blooms and tiny peppers.  Well, good things come in small packages and we'll eat them any size!

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