Sunday, February 24, 2013

Buds & Beans

The trees are budding.  It's only February, they shouldn't be at this stage for several weeks yet.  One of the maple trees in the back yard is starting to show colors in the buds, leaves are not far behind.  The redbud hasn't started pinking up yet, but it's probably not too far off either.

I told Bill that I think it will soon be time to switch from his camo quilt to my patchwork quilt on our bed, but he disagreed.  Silly boy! :)

I made a pot of pinto beans for dinner.  I also made rice, we had beans & rice and it was delicous.  (Otter's gone to her regular Sunday Dungeons & Dragons game, but beans aren't her food of choice anyway.)  I decided against cornbread because I just didn't quite get around to it, so we had rice instead. :)  It was still good!

Froggy, I'm not sure what the problem is regarding comments you've left.  Blogger still shows that it's set to email me when comments come through, I've checked the spam settings and there aren't any comments that were sent to the spam file instead.  I just doesn't show any other comments other than the one you left on the snow post.  I emailed you already, but you might email me to let me know you've left a comment and you also might email me the comment as well.  I don't know what the issue is, but Blogger has made a bunch of changes and not all of them seem to be working.

Otter seems to be enjoying working.  She's working for a party supply store and she's learning a lot.  She's a hard worker, that's never been an issue for her.  But she does have one complaint:  she said that if she never, ever sees another heart-shaped mylar balloon, she'll be happy!  She had to fill literally hundereds of dozens of them in Valentine's week.  Apparently, Valentine's is one of the biggest seasons for party supply places.  Halloween is also heavy, Christmas and Thanksgiving are also big weeks.  In between, there are many other times that people have parties and the summer is a busy season.  She has worked one Saturday so far, she just uses one of her days off in place of Saturday as a day of rest.  She was off yesterday and is also off next Saturday.

I can hear Billyboy sneezing his head off.  We've all been having to deal with varying degrees of allergy issues.  Still too soon!  Also, the Tulsa Health Department made an announcement the other day.  Seems that there is a strain of the flu going around that has just enough symptoms to make people think that they might have the flu but not be sure if they actually do - which is why I no longer think that I had to deal with RSV in January.  The main strains are the two that the shot was for, plus a few others this year.  Including the milder one, which I had and then Bill decided to get as well.  We're just glad that Otter didn't get it!  She was sick enough last year, we don't want to go there again.  And I'm sure that she doesn't want to, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had pinto beans the other day and then leftovers for 2 days.
Glad Otter is enjoying her job.
I noticed that one of my mountain laurels has blooms already. Most of the trees have budded out. It seems way to soon, hopefully we will not have any more freezes.Froggy