Sunday, February 03, 2013

Day After Groundhog Day!

Not that we actually believe a rodent is capable of predicting anything!  Also, look at the calender.  There are still 6 weeks until the first day of Spring so it doesn't matter!  But it is fun, I agree.  Of course, if we'd ever actually had winter...

Check this out:

My latest yarn adventures include crocheting a scarf yesterday.  I started it yesterday, but didn't get it finished until this morning.  There was an article in the paper a couple of weeks back, about two pre-teen girls who learned how to knit from an aunt or grandmother of one of the girls.  They then taught all their friends and classmates how to knit.  The entire bunch of them decided to knit scarves for the school district's on-staff police officers.  Then they taught the rest of the 6th grade, or at least most of them, how to knit.  One of the local yarn stores has now picked up the effort and is sponsoring a drive to provide every Tulsa police officer with a hand-knitted or crocheted scarf.  The one I made yesterday/today is the first of a few that I'll donate.  I'm not sure how many, probably 3 to 5.  But it just depends, once I get going it is hard to stop!  I was looking for a de-stash project and had planned on making Chemo caps next, but the yarn store wants the scarves by Feb. 25 so the Chemo caps have been put off for a bit but I am going to make them as well.  I used a deep grey color for the first scarf, the same one I made the sock monkey hats out of.  I have two different green colors, a smoky blue and possibly also will use camoflauge yarn for the scarves.

Otter and I went to two estate sales today.  Well, we drove by two estate sales.  We didn't actually stop at either of them, we could tell from the street that neither of them had anything we were interested in.  We also went to an antique/craft mall that we like but we didn't find anything there either.  The only thing we actually bought was at Marshalls store and it was a pair of slacks for Otter.

Also, we bought dinner.  It was in the form of a pepperoni pizza!  Dominos had a special, so we got two.  One for today and one for tomorrow.  Tomorrow's might well be breakfast!

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