Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good Gravy I'm Tired!

With a capitol "T".
For the last two days, I've been dealing with a very cranky toddler in a 96 year old body!  Seems that the Teenager hurt his back several days ago but didn't tell anybody.  He eventually said that his hip was hurting.  It wasn't his hip, it was his lower back and he's been ignoring it for days.  He thought he could walk it out or that it would eventually go away.  After listening to him gripe Monday, Younger Boss finally said he'd had enough and that he was taking his dad home.  However, he still gave us just as much grief from home because he was only a phone call away.  I finally convinced both of them that yes, he did need to see the doctor.  Teenager wouldn't admit that, he thought that he could just call the doctor's office and talk to him and that the doctor would order physical therapy.  WRONG.  He had to go see the doctor this morning, which lasted for several hours because the doctor ordered x-rays.  It's "just" a strained muscle, but he's ignored it for days and treated it incorrectly so it's worse, more painful and will take longer to recover than if he'd just gone last week when I told him to!  He spent just as many hours on the phone with me today as if he'd been in the office and I got very little done.  Then he called me after I'd left the office and when he didn't get me at the office he called my cell phone.  Except that he called Bill's and not mine, which was in interesting conversation to say the least.  Bill called me, I called the Teenager and he asked me to go back to the office so I could get his doctor's number.  He wanted to call the doctor (again) and tell him that physical therapy will help him.  Which it probably will.  But not yet!  I told him that I'd wait until I got in the office in the morning, but I'm going to tell him then that it's too soon and we'll see about therapy when it's time.
Geesh.  I'm exhausted just from typing that!  It's been a very tiring two days and the week's not over yet.
Love him to pieces, but I told Younger Boss today that I thought I maybe had opened a babysitting service and didn't realize it! :)
Otter saw the new Iron Man 3 movie today.  She and the boyfriend spent the afternoon at the mall, he survived a shopping frenzy!  They enjoyed the movie, she said it's very good and that Stan Lee's cameo is unexpected but it's there.  She's not going to tell me anything else about it, I don't want to hear it and she doesn't want to ruin it for me.  We'll eventually see it, maybe we might even make it to the theater while it's still there.
I'm going to surf the 'net for a while.  Then I think I might have a drink and put my feet up.  After I get my laundry out of the dryer, that is!

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