Friday, May 17, 2013

Thoughts About a Lot of Stuff on Friday

First off, the North TEXAS tornadic storms are on my mind.  Obviously, because it's TEXAS.  But also because of the specific area of TEXAS.  Bill has some family connections to the area and it's an area I/We've always loved.  TEXANS are tough, our history has shown that.  We can handle a lot, there's no doubt about that.  But this is more than "a lot" for most people, TEXANS included.  All we can do at this point is pray for the people who have lost homes and the families of those who lost their lives.
There were a total of 16 twisters Wednesday that hit the area.  16.  The Cleburne tornado was probably an F3, which is mid-range on the scale.  The Granbury tornado was worse, it was most likely an F4.  Those are both bad numbers, there is only one number higher (F5) which is what his Oklahoma City in 1999 and Joplin in 2011.  Even an F1 can do damage.  But F3 is very bad and F4 is even worse.
Other stuff:  My post yesterday referencing the new ST movie and sharks was based on some early reviews I read.  Yes, I did read spoilers!  But only enough to answer a specific question.  I didn't like the answer.  They did what I (and many, many, many others) hoped they would not do:  Khan.  The movie itself might be good, but it does sound like they changed Khan's character too much.  Khan is an iconic character and one that they should have just left alone.  The Borg Queen is not pleased, even if turns out that I like the movie I still say that they should have stayed away from Khan.  From what I read, it also sounds like they were trying to remake the TOS episode that introduced him, Space Seed is the title, and not the TOS:TWOK movie that brought him back.  TWOK was inspired and was without a doubt the best movie in the TOS movie series.  That is largely due to the character of Khan.  From what I've read, he's been reduced to a) a terrorist, b) an environmental terrorist possibly (hope not!) and/or c) a generic terrorist.  Instead of the rich, strong character he was in TOS.  I will in all probability eventually see the movie.  I'm waiting a bit, I want to see how it does at first and then I'll decide.  The first weekend is not always a good way to judge, because so many of us (and we are legion) will rush to see it just because it is Trek.  But Trek movies are traditionally judged by the number of repeat viewers.  That's the best way to judge a Trek film.  So, I'm reserving judgment (only to a point, I am the Borg Queen after all!) and will decide a little later about it.  Otter's majorly bummed out about it, she had no choice:  she couldn't avoid being indoctrinated into ST fandom.  But we're going to (try to) keep an open mind in the (possibly slim-to-none) chance that it turns out to be good.
The other thing we're watching for is what is known as the Star Trek Curse.  A/K/A Even numbered Trek films don't suck!  This one is an even number.  The first one of this series was number 11 or you could say number 1 - both odd numbers.  The first movie may well have done as well as it did for one reason:  It's Trek and we'll see it.  It's the Rule:  we must see all Trek.  Even if it sucks.  We just don't have to repeat.  But we do have to see it.  And at some point, I will.  Even with the fact that most of the actors in the first of this movie series were woefully miscast!
Birds:  The robins have fledged.  The nest has been empty for a couple of days, the last time I actually saw the babies I could tell that they were pretty close to flying.  The wrens are definitely nesting in the front planter again.  Third year in a row for that.
I haven't gotten my hummingbird feeders out yet.  I intended to do that last weekend, but we were running around with Nana on Saturday and Sunday morning, then I just never quite got around to it after that.  I am not sure if the hummers have made it to this area or not, but they will be here soon if they aren't already.  So I'm going to get my feeders up and then watch for birdies.
I guess that is it.  For now, anyway.
RIF, y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kid2 and Crazy uncle have seen this movie. Both said it was ok.