Sunday, May 26, 2013

I Guess! it's Just Sunday?

Can't think of a good title.  That's probably pretty obvious! :)
I think that we just might have the goosiest dog on the planet.  In the form of a beagle, specifically.  Maggie likes bugs.  She likes to eat them.  She sometimes catches flies out of the air.  But when she doesn't catch them, it confuses her.  To the point of cowering in terror sometimes.  That's what she's been doing today.  She couldn't get the fly, so she spent hours trying to hide behind my legs while I was sitting on the couch, and at one point I think she tried to actually get under the couch.  She eventually fell asleep and I guess she forgot about the fly after that, because she was back to being her normal silly self.  But she is a goofy, goosey dog.
Frasier isn't being ignored.  He's actually in a bit of disgrace.  Otter caught him chewing something and it turned out to be a small piece of plastic - from a pachinko machine.  But I have to state for the record that his habits are well known, and I've been warning Bill that he was asking for trouble by leaving stuff within reach of the dog.  Especially if he left it on the floor, which is what he did this time.
I put my hummingbird feeders out yesterday.  I thought I saw something tiny flying by the other day but then I never saw it again so I decided that I'd seen something else.  But apparently it was a hummer.  Because I saw a female on one of the feeders about half an hour after I put them out.  I also saw an oriole, it couldn't quite figure out the new feeders so I put the old one out that the orioles always liked.  I haven't seen the oriole again, but it's probably still out there.  At this point, I've only seen a female hummer and it's probably the same one.  But there will be more, in all probability.
I'm going to harvest seeds from the bluebonnets tomorrow.  They could probably stand a few more days, but Bill wants to mow and since there are no more blooms to speak of he's wanting to just mow it all down.  So I'll get the seed pods in the morning, he promises to wait for me to get them all before he mows.  I also weeded the rock garden this afternoon, I'm already feeling allergy related issues due to that.  But it needed to be done, the morning glories were taking over.  There was also a lot of clover, no telling where that came from.  I pulled most of it up as well.
I'm off from work tomorrow, Bill has tomorrow as a holiday also and then he's taking some of his vacation/comp time and will be off all week.  Otter has to work tomorrow.  We aren't doing anything big for Memorial Day.  Sometimes we grill, but I'm making tacos for dinner tomorrow night.  No particular reason, other than that we just like them.
Guess that's it for now.  Not an exciting weekend, obviously!  But that's ok, it was a stressful week and I'm not complaining. 

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