Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cool Wednesday!

It was in the 40's this morning!  It was wonderful.  Boot weather at last.  Also, I was happy to be able to wear my leather jacket again.  The dogs celebrated by napping all day long.  Or at least until Otter left for work and put them out.  Then, they probably napped all afternoon.
I went to Otter's store today.  They had a couple of things in their ad that I wanted, so I went shopping after work.  They didn't look too busy when I got there, but several people were coming in as I was leaving.  It was nice to see Otter for a minute.  Then, I went to the grocery store.  The first stop was fun and quick, but the grocery store was not quick at all!
Froggy, I worked on your shawl some more today.  I had it to the point of being able to work on the drape part of it, but then I discovered that I'd missed a stitch set 2 or 3 rows down and had to frog it out to the mistake.  It wasn't one that could be left alone, it was a corner and it wouldn't work without being correct.  But now it's back to where it was.
Bill and I have had a bug this week.  I actually thought I was coming down with the flu yesterday, but now I think it was "just" a bug.  I felt ok when I got up, but then I started feeling cruddy about 9:45 and left at 10:00.  Bill was already home, he woke up feeling not-so-good and stayed home.  Otter happened to be off yesterday, so she was already home.  I didn't even crochet, which means that I was feeling really bad.  It was a 24-hour bug apparently, because we were both back to normal today.
Ok Froggy.  I blogged.  And you didn't even have to get after me about it!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you blogged without my nagging you. I will get to nag you another time. To celebrate our anniversary we went to the Renaissance Festival. We went on our honeymoon also.We had a good time even if we got rained out.