Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wooden Soldiers

This is what we got from the recent windstorm.  It's maple, so it will burn fast.  But we didn't have to pay for it and the tree won't go to waste.

The next picture is what it looked like today, after Otter and I restacked it because Frasier apparently decided to play with it!

We had planned on getting firewood in a couple of weeks, it's just now available at most places that sell it.
Bill took the El Camino today, since it was easier for Otter to drive herself to work because of her schedule.  Not that he complained about a chance to drive the Go-Fast car!
On the way home, he drove by a lumber yard.  They had a huge pile of cut wood pieces with a "Firewood $10.00" sign.  I don't think he even had to turn the wheel, the White Lightning probably turned in automatically!  He filled up the back of the truck, he thinks he got about a rick and a quarter.  For $10.00!

Because of the length of the wood pieces, it doesn't look like it's as much as it is.  But it is a lot.

It's oak, solid and heavy.  He's going to probably drive the El Camino at least some next week - when and how many days depends on Otter's schedule.  If they still have it available and haven't sold out, he's going to get another truck load.
Just in case we have to deal with this in the coming winter:

Because the Borg Queen is always prepared!

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