Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Whatever Fits Here

Otter's recovered from the bug, she spent most of yesterday taking it easy and is all recovered.  She did vacuum for me and put up some laundry, but she didn't do anything too strenuous.  The bug seems to last a couple of days, and she's back to normal today.
Bill brought home another truckload of firewood today.  He'll probably go get one more this week, probably Thursday.  Tomorrow, he's taking the Impala since Otter is off work.  She'll be housebound, but I don't think she really minds.  She'll need the car on Thursday, so he'll have to take the White Lightning.
I went thrifting at lunch today.  I found another popcorn can to use with the birdseed, I have 40 pounds of bird seed stored in three popcorn cans.  I found a couple of other things as well, including a Fenton silvercrest tidbit tray in perfect shape for $4.98.  The locked display cases were filled with what I refer to as "made in China/Walmart junk" but the Fenton was just tossed in with the coffee cups!  Needless to say, it found it's way to my basket in a flash.  I have a couple of silvercrest pieces, but they are getting harder to find.
My computer apparently was hungry.  For a snack, it ate my entire picture library!  If anyone has pictures that I've emailed you, let me know what you have because I may want you to email them back to me.  I can probably recreate the drives but there are a few pictures that may be gone for good - including Otter's senior pictures we took at a local park, her graduation and a whole bunch more.  I sent out most of the bluebonnet/Otter in the front yard pictures to assorted relatives and I still have those in my email file.  But I have lost so many pictures.  Bill's going to look at the laptop and see if he can restore the file, but I'm not holding my breath.  I have no idea why it did what it seems to have done, but it's very frustrating.
There was probably more but I don't remember!

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