Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

(I've used this picture before, but I still think it's adorable!)
It's just after sunset and is just starting to get dark.  Our porch light it out, but there is a partial bag of Otter's green apple pops candy on the half-moon table by the door.  We've had one customer already while it was still light, he was a Power Ranger.  Maggie was very happy to see him, she loves people and he made sure to pet her before he got his candy.  We usually have a few kids while it's still light, and Otter volunteered her green apple candy.  Once it gets a little darker, I'll probably put the candy away since we don't have the light on and don't expect any trick-or-treaters.  Next year, we might be more inclined to pass out candy as there are more youngsters in the neighborhood than there have been for the last couple of years.
I went to Wallyworld after work today.  Many of their employees dress up for Halloween.  My favorite was the Duck Dynasty costume - full beard, camo clothes and SHE was having a good time.  It was funny.
Sonic had a special today, 50-cent corndogs.  The commercial got Billyboy's attention, so I stopped and Sonic and got us dinner to go.  Of course, he got corndogs!  I had a chili/cheese footlong hot dog, I figured that if I was going to be bad I was going to be B.A.D.  It was good.  I'll pay for it later!  And I probably won't have another one for years.  Otter had popcorn chicken, which is about her favorite thing from Sonic.
I got a few more canned good for our storm/iced-in-day supplies.  While I was putting them away, they go to a specific spot, I noticed something that I did not see yesterday when I was putting something else in stock:  a dog food bag with a hole chewed in the side and obvious evidence of rodent!  I cleaned up the droppings and removed the bag, then Bill found a trap from the black hole also known as the garage.  He loaded it with peanut butter and birdseed.  I'll check it in the morning and see if we caught anything.  We haven't seen any mice in a few years, but with all the construction behind us I'm not surprised.  I also won't be surprised if we see more.  Or evidence of them, anyway!
I checked the rain gauge this morning.  It had just under 3" from yesterday and last night.  Today was beautiful, but it was windy and I've been sneezing all day.  Otter's had allergy problems today as well, she worked through a killer headache with the help of multiple doses of Tylenol.  She took a warm shower when she got home and feels much better.  She's going to take her night-time allergy pills tonight and probably go to bed early.
Which sounds really good to me, I didn't sleep too well last night.  Mostly because of my knee alternating with my allergies.  My knee is actually a lot better, but it still hurts.  It's following the normal process, I just don't like it.  I've been taking motrin as I need it and spending a little longer in the shower since warm water seems to help.  Now that it's better, my allergies are reminding me of their presence.
If it's not one thing, it's the other.  As my favorite 97-year-old teenager reminds me frequently!  Usually followed by a giggle.  :)


Anonymous said...

I love the picture also.
Did you get the mouse?

Otter Mom said...

No, we didn't get the mouse. We did feed the mouse, he liked the peanut butter and birdseed and the trap did not trip. We put cheese on it next, mice really don't like cheese much but it was something that we thought we stay on long enough for the trap to trip. But apparently the mouse doesn't want cheese! We'll keep trying.