Sunday, November 03, 2013


It took three tries, but we got the mouse!  The first night, Bill baited the trap with peanut butter and birdseed.  I checked the trap the next morning.  It was still there, unsprung and also unbaited.  It's just one of those stories that mice like cheese, they really don't care for it, but Bill used it when he re-baited the trap because it would at least stay on the trap and not be as easy to take off without springing the trap.  Mice will eat it if they are hungry enough or if it's the only thing available, but the mousie was apparently not hungry the second night.  Last night, Bill left the cheese on the trap and spread a tiny bit of peanut butter on the cheese.  This morning, the trap was not where he left it.  Because when it sprung, it flipped off the shelf and took the dead mouse with it.  It was a male mouse, by the way.  Which is the best one to find, a female might well mean that there is a family of mice somewhere.  Mice are social animals and one might mean another is close by, but since it was a male mouse there is less chance of a lot of them.  Bill's probably going to place another trap on the shelf and we'll see if we get any more.  We haven't had them for a couple of years, but with the construction behind us and the fact that it's getting cooler I won't be surprised if we do have/get more.
We went to Ace Hardware earlier, Bill got pachinko machine repair supplies and I got more mouse traps!
Movie Review:  Monsters University.  We rented it yesterday.  Otter saw it when it was in the theaters but we never got there.  It was ok, better than I expected, but not great.  It was a lot longer than I expected and fairly predictable.  But it wasn't bad.  It also didn't have the Agenda we thought it might.  I'm waiting until the sequel to Despicable Me comes out.  Hopefully, it's as good as we've heard.
Froggy, I've gotten several rows done on your shawl.  I put three or four on it yesterday and two today.  It is a pattern that works up fast, it's just been a matter of actually finding the time to work on it.  I also have another pattern that I think I'm going to try, it's made with cotton yarn and is a heating pad.  Basically, it's a knee-high nylon hose stuffed with rice and the outer cover is crocheted.  I'm going to make one and see how it works, Otter is usually a willing guinea pig for my projects and I'm thinking she'll like this one.  Who knows, I might actually make a few and put them on my etsy shop!  The one I've had for over a year now and have never actually used.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you got the mouse. What AGENDA are you talking about?
Thank you for working on my shawl. I can't wait to get it.
That heating pad sounds neat.