Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Just a Few Random Thoughts

I've been cutting up habeneros to put in the freezer, so my allergy symptoms are temporarily gone!  I used latex gloves, cut carefully, removed the gloves carefully and then scrubbed my hands with soap and hot water.  I've learned from watching Bill that there are never enough or too many safeguards with habeneros!
I've been having allergy symptoms today, and I think it's the wonderful mountain cedar making it's presence known.  Hate the stuff.  Almost as bad is the sneaky cinnamon scented pine cones that most stores seem to stock and seem to put by the register and/or entrance so that I can't escape them.
Looks like winter is going to show up towards the end of the week.  Possibly as soon as Thursday but maybe not until Friday evening.  We probably won't get anything bad, but it's going to depend on the temperature when the rain starts.  Bill brought in a bunch of firewood while ago, we'll probably have the fireplace going most of Saturday.  Which means that the dogs will be overjoyed, they stake out their nap spots pretty much immediately upon Bill starting a fire.
The 50th Anniversary of the JFK assassination is coming up this week.  Obviously, it's been in the news and will be for a few more days.  I think the actual day is Friday.  I was around when it happened, but I wasn't quite two years old yet and so I have no memory of the event.  But it was sort of the background to the childhood of everyone who was young at the time, we all just sort of grew up knowing about it.  No matter a person's opinion of a particular President, murder is never the answer.  There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there, and some of them are pretty wild.  I personally have never felt that the "lone gunman" theory works or that Oswald was the actual killer - although I do think he thought he was and he did fire his gun.  My money would be on organized c r i m e, but that's just my opinion - and Bill's, by the way.  But the point is that it was still a life taken.  I think that people tend to forget that fact, among all the mania that accompanies anything connected with him.  I may have more to discuss on this subject at a later date.  (The spacing on c r i m e is so that it's not searchable, some things always show up on a search no matter how many safeguards are in place and I want to be private.)
Along with allergy issues, I've been fighting a case of RedHead Anemia.  I'm increasing my protein and iron.  We had homemade sloppy joes tonight, I made it with ground beef.  I changed it up slightly, I added chopped celery and cut up a banana pepper to add to it, then we also topped it off with parmesan cheese.  It was pretty good, although I'm not sure I used enough chili powder in it.  Not that Bill objected!  It's one of his favorite "easy meals."
Is it Friday yet?  It's only Tuesday!  This has been a long week and it's still not even half-way over.

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