Monday, November 04, 2013

Dirty Jobs

Or job singular, to be exact.  Otter and I got out to the tulip bed and basically stirred the dirt.  There is some evidence of a mole trail, after we treated it.  We're probably going to plant the tulip bulbs next week and we will treat it then.  Then, we'll leave it to sit and hopefully we'll see tulips next spring.
I also came across my bluebonnet seeds, the ones I harvested from this year's crop.  I'm going to see about planting a few of them in the whiskey barrel - although I have a baby blue already sprouting.
The humming bird feeders came in yesterday and I washed them this morning.  They are now put away until next spring.  I need to get my seed feeders ready, I don't think I need to replace any of them this year.
We have a good chance of rain, it's expected to start after midnight.  It could continue through Thursday morning.
Real exciting, huh!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Getting ready to plant is always exciting. I am planning on planting daffodils. I have to buy 2 large pots and soil and then I will plant them.
The problem is the large pots are very expensive. I have checked Ross but they did not have any large enough. I am going to check Wallyworld and maybe they will have them and if not I am going to buy the expensive ones. Froggy