Friday, November 29, 2013

Not Exactly Black Friday For Us

Except for Otter, and that's because she's working today.  I did have to wake her up this morning, so it's a good idea I had already planned on it.  What can I say, she sleeps soundly!  She had leftover pancakes and milk for breakfast then a Mountain Dew chaser.  Mountain Dew isn't her normal breakfast drink, but the caffeine was very much needed.  I took her to work after all, she was still kind of a cross-eyed zombie when it was time for her to leave.  We got there shortly before 5:00 and she was the first employee there - even before the boss.  I had planned on going back to bed when I got home, but Bill was up by then and the coffee was ready so I stayed up.

My version of  Black Friday shopping included going to the post office to clear the box and I ran into the grocery store.  But I don't think milk and orange juice count as Black Friday shopping.  The Salvation Army bell ringer was in a Santa suit and he had the right build to be Santa and, most importantly, he had the right beard and it was real.  There was an adorable little girl waking in the store with her dad and she was so cute.  Dad pointed "Santa" out to her and she was absolutely entranced with him.  Santa looked like he was really good at it, he was playing along with her and she was just precious.

 I went to the video store as well, but that is a normal Friday stop.  Bill's turn to pick the movie for tomorrow, he wanted Red 2 this weekend.  It sounds good, hopefully it will be.
(Later).  Otter got off about an hour early, she called me and I went to get her.  We had a couple of antique/junk stores we wanted to go to so we did that and found a few things.  For one thing, I found the quilt top I've been looking for.  $25.00 for a vintage quilt top that is probably about a double bed size.  It's mostly cotton, I have seen a few but they were polyester and I wanted cotton for this.  It's going to be the curtains for the bedroom.  I think I'm probably going to cut it down the middle across the wide part and then use the left over squares we have from the quilts Bill made to enlarge each half, they will probably be sewn around the outer edges.  I will probably back it with a sheet, it needs some type of backing but it won't have batting since it's going to be curtains.  It needs to be washed, it doesn't have any odor so I don't think it was ever exposed to cigarettes or anything but it is slightly dingy from age.  Otter also brought a piece of goldcrest Fenton to my attention, which I have been looking for.  It was $10.00 but on sale for 20% off so I got it for $8.00.  I don't buy a lot of Fenton anymore, just specific pieces or styles I want.  There are a couple of pieces I'm thinking about still.
Otter got off early because they were a little overstaffed and she also worked later one day this week, so her boss told her she could leave early, especially since she went in so early this morning.  She's not the head cashier, but she is the main one and her boss has repeatedly told her that she's the best one.  She's tired, but she did survive her first Black Friday working in retail day.
It's just after 3:00 now.  About 4:30, I'm going to head in the direction of a pizza place and get dinner to bring home.  Possibly Little Ceaser's.

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