Sunday, December 01, 2013

Grey Day

It's grey and foggy.  It was foggy this morning but it burned off and then it was nicer.  Still cool, but we did see the sun a bit.  This afternoon/evening, it's back to being grey and it does look like it's getting foggy.
My quilt top which will be curtains is in the dryer.  After looking at it for a while, I decided to go ahead and wash it in the machine since it's cotton.  It did come out a little cleaner.  I think we'll get started on turning it in to curtains soon.  We have a neighbor behind us, so it's time to get better curtains up.  They have put mini-blinds in their windows at least.  They also have a dog, we think it's a dachshund.  I don't think that it stays out all the time, but Maggie and Frasier know that it's there and they go to the back fence every time they are let out in the back.
They spent a while out there this afternoon, after Otter cleaned up the dog yard we took the shovel and ruined a few gopher hills that suddenly appeared in the yard.  No sign of the gophers or their tunnels, but we did look.  We also did walnut patrol, but there weren't very many.  The tree looks like it still has a few walnuts yet to fall but not too many.
Otter and I also went to the local museum that has a Christmas tree/gingerbread house exhibit every December.  Some of the "trees" are interesting, to be polite about it!  The gingerbread houses are always fun, most of them are made by children, school, church or scout groups.
I finished (again) my turquoise scarf yesterday.  I put 5 more rows on it and the ruffle row.  It's much longer and fits much better.  I took it to church this morning.  I have another project, it's probably going to be a long-term one.  Bill suggested I make a robe for myself a while back and I did start one but then it decided it wanted to be a lap blanket for Bill instead.  I'm going to go ahead and make a robe, but I decided to use a softer yarn instead.  While Otter and I were out, we went to Michael's.  Their ad showed that they had the yarn I wanted to use on sale.  I bought 8 skeins, they are smaller skeins and I will probably have left over yarn.  I chose a pine green color for the robe.  Like I said, it's probably going to be a long-term project.  I don't really have any other projects waiting on me, I like to have something I can go back to between small projects or work on for hours if I chose to.
Hardly seems like it can be December 1st already!  I think we're going to get the Christmas stuff down from the attic next weekend, but not necessarily going to put the tree up yet.  I think it will probably be around the 15th or so before we put it all up.  Except for the wreath, it will go on the door as soon as we get it down from the attic.

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