Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thinking About Trees

Specifically, about Christmas trees and if I really want to put ours up today.  Actually, I'm not even sure I really want to put it up at all.  We've had other years where we didn't put a tree up.  Sometimes, because we were going out of town for Christmas but we are staying here this year.  We actually try not to travel for Christmas because the winter weather can be so iffy.  I'm just not sure if I want to deal with a 4' tree because it's too big to put on top of the entertainment center and we really don't have a place to put it other than that.
However, I am really looking forward to the vacation time even if we aren't going anywhere.  Froggy asked me what we have planned.  The answer is to do as little as possible!  I'm sure we will find something to keep occupied, and probably a lot of shopping/thrifting will be involved.  But we aren't going anywhere.  I think Bill wants to spend a lot of his time working on getting pachinko machines ready to sell.  I'd like to get some crochet done.  Otter doesn't actually have vacation time, but she doesn't work every day so I'm sure she'll be willing to either go shopping with me.
I did get the wreath up and the stockings are hung by the fireplace.  They are empty, they stay that way until late Christmas Eve night or very early Christmas morning - they mostly have candy in them and I don't want it to melt!  I'm really leaning towards just putting the Nativity set up and stopping with that.  Bill doesn't care either way, I will ask Otter her opinion when she gets home later.
Otter's gone shopping with J.  She met him at the mall, he was willing to be her Beast of Burden and carry her packages for her.  She made him brownies last night for her gift to him, she took them with her when she left and I suggested she might think about buying him lunch for being a good sport and carrying things.  She texted me after she got to the mall, she said the traffic was "evil."  It usually is, this time of year.  It will only get worse for the next week and a half.  I still have a little bit of Christmas shopping to do, but I'll probably get it done on my lunch hour this week.  Mostly, it's for Otter anyway.  Billyboy is taken care of already, although he doesn't know that.  I still have to get the candy for the stockings, but that waits until the last second so it doesn't get eaten!  Otter did manage to find coal candy which she will put in Bill's stocking.  Which he deserves, by the way - the brownies were not safe in his presence!  Otter might make some more tonight which she'll take to work tomorrow.  I'm sure she'll have to fight Bill off from those as well.  :)
We went to church for the first time in 2 weeks today.  It was cancelled last week, due to the weather and the fact that the parking lot was a skating rink.  A week ago, there was snow and ice everywhere.  Today, it's like it never happened.  Except for the fact that any exposed dirt is now mud.  Also, the yard is very soft and the backyard is especially soft due to the moles and their trails.
No mouse traps tripped yet.  With the cold weather and the construction behind us, we probably shouldn't be surprised that we have had to deal with them.
I have help typing today.  A very large, furry, brown head keeps appearing at the side of my laptop.  Then he leans on it.  I think he likes the warmth it generates.  Coyote is spoiled, that's for sure!  Technically, he's either a dogote or a coydog.  Or a chupacabra!  But whatever term, he's 100% spoiled.  Just like the beaglebrat.  Speaking of Maggie, she just hunted out a very narrow but long spot where the sun is shining through the window onto the carpet.  Then she streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetched out and more or less collapsed in it.
Now, I think I'm going to get into the box with the Nativity set and decide if I'm putting anything up beside it.  Which I probably won't do!

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