Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ok, So Now That My Lizards Are Gone...

The mousies are back!  Bill saw one in the bathroom this afternoon, it ran behind the toilet on the side next to the cabinet and disappeared.  He thinks it went behind the cabinet, it looks like the cabinet is snug next to the wall but mice can squeeze into just about any opening.  Even one so tiny we can't see it, and that is probably what the latest furry visitor did.  He put three more traps out.  One is behind the toilet, one is inside the closet where the first one was found and the third one is back in the dining room underneath the china cabinet.  Bill thinks that he heard the dog door flap earlier and the dogs were in the living room at the time.  There have been several times that I've heard it myself, but we thought the wind was blowing in the outer flap which would make the inner flap also move because of the way the doors are placed.  But now I'm thinking that it wasn't always the wind!
It was supposed to be warmer today, I think in the 40's at least.  It wasn't!  It was in the low 30's, we didn't have a fire this morning because it was forecasted for warm.  However, when it didn't get there by this afternoon Bill started a fire.  Which brought Maggie Beagle running!
I did manage to get our Christmas cards done today.  I'm late, usually they are mailed early in the month and sometimes I work on them Thanksgiving weekend.  I still need a couple of addresses, but they will be mailed tomorrow if we get to the post office.  Otherwise, I'll take them Monday.
Really loving the enhanced Star Trek episodes!  Wish that today's technology had been available then, but at least someone had the presence of mind to update things now.  Otter was watching part of tonight's episode with me, it was a typical episode:  redshirt died within seconds of the opening and McCoy got in a few of his well-known lines.
Star Trek always makes a day good.  The Borg Queen is happy.  When She's happy, everyone is happy.  :)

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