Thursday, December 26, 2013

Make Mine Mink!

This adorable little furry is a mink:

This is yarn:

Add the first two together, and this is what you get:

And, it is this soft:

Or maybe even softer.  It's also very strong yarn.
Bill and Otter each got me a skein for my birthday, and I bought one for myself.  They are not big skeins.  It's also one of those "you get what you pay for" moments.  The local yarn store has a 30% - 50% off sale the week after Christmas and Otter wanted to get me good yarn for my birthday.  She was going to go when she went Christmas shopping a couple of weeks ago, but we didn't think they were open on Sundays.  Turns out that they are, through the winter months.  But since they weren't having a sale then, it's better that she didn't get there then.  Bill knew how much I wanted it, so he told me to get another one (this time I don't mind having to actually go get my own birthday gift from him) but since they aren't huge skeins, I decided to get a third one while they were on sale.  They are hand-dyed and the colors are not always exact on each skein but they are close.  The minks are not harmed by the process, otherwise I would have zero interest in it.  The minks are probably happy about the process, they get a bath and then a brushing.  Then the fur fibers are treated like sheep's wool - cleaned, carded and spun into yarn.  How much did it cost?  Well, the sale price was $25.00.  Per skein.  The non-sale price was somewhere in the neighborhood of $38.00. EACH.  We weren't in the store very long, not even half an hour.  But it was enough to wake up my wool allergy a bit.  I'm extremely allergic to wool, so I don't stay in there long if I can manage it.
I think I'm going to make one of these with it:

It's an infinity scarf.  Mine will be similar to this, but not this same pattern.  It's a fairly small-gauge yarn and mine is a variegated colorway with greens, blues and yellows.  None of the colors are overly bright.  It's absolutely gorgeous! 
Billyboy had a fun shopping day today, as well.  I went to Target after I dropped Otter off, so I was there just after 8:00.  No traffic.  Not too many cars in the parking lot and nobody at all in line.  I was able to just return the house shoes and get the cash back - which normally I think that they would have credited it back via my debit card.  But, I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but since my debit card was used twice at Target in the period of time when they were hacked my bank suggested I cancel it and get a new card entirely so the returns clerk just gave me the money back.  Since Bill wanted a couple of specific things at the tool store Otter works at, I just brought the money back to him and then we went shopping for him.  He got a sanding booth and a soda blaster - which is similar to a sand blaster but it uses soda ash instead of sand.  It's not as hard on the substance that is being blasted.  Yes, he did buy the extended warranty on both items.  Otter was our cashier, that *might* have had something to do with that, since he almost never actually buys them.  :)
I went to Wallyworld today to exchange the crock pot for one without a flaw.  They were totally out of the one that Otter bought me, so I got a refund on a walmart gift card and bought a trunkload of groceries since I was already there, instead of another trip to the "real" grocery store I usually go to.  It was actually after I got home that Bill wanted to go to the tool store, so I put up the cold stuff and left everything else on the counters - including about 6 bags of half-price Christmas chocolate candy which is in the deep freeze now.  It also covered the table, I am not kidding when I say I got a trunkload!  After we got home, I ran to Subway and got lunch to bring home.  Then it was time to go get Otter from work.  That's when we went to the yarn store.  After that stop, we hit another Wallyworld and they had the crock pot so I used the card from the return.  I'm thinking that I might make soup on Sunday!  I bought everything for it when I was getting groceries.
But I'm not going to use frozen vegetables, since I think that had a lot to do with the old one cracking.  It's back to cans for me.  I might use frozen again, but I'll warm them a whole lot more before adding them to the crock.  I'm going to use frozen lima beans this time, I have half a bag left and nobody else will eat them besides me unless they are in soup (and even then Otter picks them out) but they'll be well thawed.
Tomorrow is Motorcycle Day!

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