Friday, January 16, 2015

Is It Still Winter?

Cause you can't tell by the local forecast!
This time last week it was pretty much the opposite.
I like this one better!  It's been nice to have the sun out today.
I am a little under the weather today anyway.  I have not felt 100% this week, there has been a lot of stressful issues we/I've had to deal with lately and I also have not slept very well - one might be aggravating the other, I don't know.  But I've also been having some cold bug-type issues and woke up this morning very congested.  So, I called in.  I've mostly been home on the couch, except for when I had to go get Otter so she could have the car for the next few days.  I'm feeling a lot better this afternoon, so I no longer think I'm coming down with a cold.
When I picked up Otter we stopped at Wallyworld so I could get milk.  They weren't crowded but they were getting that way.  As we walked out, it looked like the floodgates were opened and customers were flooding in.  Kind of reminded me of Black Friday!  We noticed that they have started stocking swimsuits.  It's still January!
I think it is, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy it while it is here. Winter will be back.
Before Christmas they were stocking Valentines Day stuff.


Otter Mom said...

I know. I was in Wallyworld 2 or 3 days before Christmas and they were taking down the Christmas stuff (which still had customers at the time) and stocking Valentine's. Kind of ridiculous!