Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday Rambles

I came across this on the internet while ago:
(I'm not responsible for any un-family friendly comments but there may be some, so I'm just posting a link and you are at your own risk.)
I don't necessarily agree with all the rankings on the list, but there really is only one Dr. Who:

Just thought I'd put that out there!
On another, completely unrelated note, Otter came over this afternoon to bring the car back and visit with her dad.  They were sitting on the couch talking when I got home.  Neither of the dogs wanted to leave Otter long enough to greet me at the door!  Guess I know where I rank with the poochsters...  :)

When Otter was little, like about 4 or 5 or thereabouts, she loved green apple flavored gatorade.  It was a treat, we would occasionally get it for her and she was always very happy with it.  Then gatorade quit making it.  She's never really quit mourning the loss, actually.  Even now, 15 or so years later, when we happen to see gatorade or buy it there is always - always - a discussion that follows and it always centers around how much she misses the green apple flavor.  Today, I went to Big Lots.  AND I FOUND GREEN APPLE GATORADE!  I texted Otter a picture of my hand holding a bottle and no words.  The answering text I got back from her was "getitgetitgetit" so I think she figured it out!  I think you could say I made Otter's year today.  It's a limited release and probably won't be available for long, but she was still glad to get it.  I bought 5 bottles and we looked at another store but they didn't have any of it.  I was at the store close to work, I think they might still have had a few more bottles so I think I'm going to go back there on my lunch hour tomorrow and get as many as I can.  I don't think that they had too many to start with, but I'm pretty sure there were at least a few more bottles.

I have a very happy Otter today!

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