Thursday, January 01, 2015


We had a fairly quiet New Year's Eve.  We had BLT's and pina coladas (1 each, we aren't really big partiers) and watched tv.  It was cold so we had a roaring fire in the fireplace.  And we didn't even make it to midight!  I think it was around 10:00 when we gave up and went to bed.  There are almost never any fireworks here at midnight, it's usually too cold and this year was no exception.
I woke up at 5:00 this morning when Frasier informed me that he needed to go outside and then I went back to bed.  When I got up at 5:00, I had a lot of sinus pressure.  When I woke up again about 7:00 a.m., I had a full-blown sinus headache and it really hurt.  I was thinking it might be a sinus infection, I had a little bit of a headache yesterday.  I parked myself on the couch and sat upright for a while, Bill had a fire going and I had a footwarmer (in the shape of a beagle) and a blanket.  Bill brought me coffee, motrin and a glass of water, then some bread so I didn't have to take the motrin on an empty stomach.  After I'd been up for a while, the sinus pressure eased and the headache lightened up considerably.  It didn't go away, but it is much less.  I was still thinking sinus infection, but then I remembered that Bill did this same thing a couple of days ago.  I'm watching it, if it is what Bill was dealing with then I'll be better tomorrow.  If not, then I will go get it checked out.
It's been cold and will stay that way for a few days.  I put 3 birdfeeders out yesterday and then I had to refill them this morning.  At the moment, I have two larger ones out and also a suet feeder.  We've had the normal billion and one sparrows, plus cardinals.  I've seen several female cardinals at one time and there is usually at least one male in the vicinity.  This morning, there were two males and about 4 females.  It's unusual to see more than one male at a time.  I have also seen two blue jays.  When the birds aren't on the feeders or getting seed that spilled on the ground, they hang out inside the trellis by the porch.
(I went to Atwood's yesterday and loaded up on birdseed.  I bought 15 pounds.  I had about 10 pounds on hand already.  When it's cold like this, the birdseed goes fast.  And sometimes it's helped along by two furry, four-footed "birds" that think anything on the ground/floor is fair game!)
I got out briefly late this morning.  I went to Wallyworld.  I forgot a few things yesterday when I got a few groceries.  They weren't too crowded but there were more people going in when I left, I'm sure the cold weather and chance of sleet/freezing rain might have something to do with the number of shoppers.
I did get the year started out right, though:  With crochet!  I frogged out two rows on the poncho I'm making for Otter and re-did them.  This time, I counted stitches and did it right!  I had plans to work on a couple of craft items, but not with a headache.  Maybe tomorrow.
And now, back to my blanket & my beagle and the Twilight Zone marathon on Scy-Fy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got the year started right with crazy uncle cooking breakfast.Froggy